Resident Evil 5

Anyone get a chance to play this yet?

I actually just beat it and think its a pretty solid game.. I am surprised there isnt already a thread about it


what the fuck you lookin at?
Have you hear about any of the controversy surrounding the game?
What does everybody think, racist or no?

You've GOT to be fuckin kidding? Its not racist it's a fuckin video game for mother fuck sake! People get off your fuckin high horses. There is nothing racist about it.

Croal suggested that many images in the trailer "dovetailed with classic racist imagery," saying that all the Africans appeared distant and hostile to the white character even before they turned into infected zombies. He added that the trailer's vaguely Middle Eastern-sounding music was reminiscent of the movie "Black Hawk Down," which drew some criticism in 2001 for its one-sided portrayal of U.S. Special Forces taking on hundreds of Somali fighters.

THEY ARE FUCKING ZOMBIES DICK! :thefinger as for the black hawk down refernce...THATS WHAT FUCKING HAPPENED! Must be a fucking black man wrote that bullshit! Anyone notice that when it comes to anything, anything at all that can be twisted into something racist its always the blacks who bring it up? They are more racist than whites and we're the ones who always pay the price in the end. Fuck them! And fuck all who will give me negative rep for this post bring it on :thefinger


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Resident KKK 5 : Viral Blaxplosions and EBONY DEATH!

Seriously tho.. I noticed way too many other races when playing. Where did all these white and mexican zombies come from? I thought this was Africa. Not politically-correctica.
Resident KKK 5 : Viral Blaxplosions and EBONY DEATH!

Seriously tho.. I noticed way too many other races when playing. Where did all these white and mexican zombies come from? I thought this was Africa. Not politically-correctica.

It doesn't say where in africa, if it's nearer to the south then thats the only explanation or north east around egyptian borders. I hate how so many people called it racist, they'll do anything to destroy the fun in the world.
It's always the people who do not play games that complain about video game violence or bad content. Video game violence came from lobbyists and politicians, and this came from the media. had previews for this game a year ahead of time, we all new it was in Africa but so what? Is it racist to be killing zombies in a game because they're zombies? ZOMBIE RACISM!
Have you hear about any of the controversy surrounding the game?
What does everybody think, racist or no?

Personally, I don't have an opinion because I'm still stuck playing Playstation 2 games.

Haha I heard about this and I think its a fucking joke.. Black people need to get off it.. Did white people complain when all the other resident evils had white zombies?? NO!! Because its a game and this one happens to take place in??? AFRICA and last time I checked there were black people in Africa.. I swear there are easly more rasist black people on this planet then white.. Note to all Black people who focus on race and are racist.. When you do this you are encouraging other ethnicities to look down on yours and isnt that what you are complaining about in the first place?? Just give people the chance to be their own individual person and stop staring at their skin
i think the game is awesome and i in no way see anythign racist about it. its totally race appropriate based on location. if the infection spread to some hick in the middle of nowhere city somewhere in america, take yuma arizona for example..... i wouldnt give a shit about seeing a bunch of white people who look like they are all methed out being attacked and killed by a black version of the resident evil people. its appropriate to the area. and its a freakin game. really people????
i can pass on resident evil 5. I had the first 3 back in mid 90's but I'm more of an action gamer now. The problem with resident 5 is that the graphics are smokin' and the story is cool but I cant play a game that ups the chaos factor with the enemys but you still have to go into a menu to combine bullets and your gun. That flat out sucks. They shouldve known by 5 to change that up in this gen.
Should white people make statements about how black people or oppressed people act and think?

Computer gaming creators seem to exploit issues of racism, sexism in order to make headlines and sell games.

Grand Theft Auto is an entertainment representation of urban life in the USA. How much does that representation anger people? Shouldn't we, as a nation, be embarrassed that that representation exists AND that so many people just shrug their shoulders?

Upton Sinclair saw the same kinds of exploitation in meat packing in Chicago 80 years ago...wrote a book called "The Jungle"...elicited cultural change for the better of all people (safe food laws).

Is it safe to just shrug off exploitation and hope "it won't ever affect me"?
For the record--I like the Resident Evil series (the earlier ones on PS) and think this controversy could've been squelched if the developers introduced a nonwhite, non male playable character. According to this article the game as a half-white "sidekick" chick who is playable but a nonplayable black military guy who shows up at some point.

I think Robert Downey Jr. blackface character in Tropic Thunder is more offensive than this game.

The main villains are zombies afterall. I don't think people are going to see a colonial oppressor image or of slave hunting or something like that.

Haha I heard about this and I think its a fucking joke.. Black people need to get off it.. Did white people complain when all the other resident evils had white zombies?? NO!! Because its a game and this one happens to take place in??? AFRICA and last time I checked there were black people in Africa.. I swear there are easly more rasist black people on this planet then white.. Note to all Black people who focus on race and are racist.. When you do this you are encouraging other ethnicities to look down on yours and isnt that what you are complaining about in the first place?? Just give people the chance to be their own individual person and stop staring at their skin

Wow! Put an entire group of people together based on what a few people of that group think.:rolleyes: That's like me thinking all whites burn crosses based on what a few of them do.:rolleyes:


Official Checked Star Member
Resident Evil is my life. I was at the video game store the morning it hit the shelves pretty much touching myself in excitement waiting for the door to open.

Even though I realise Leon Kennedy is all pixels and digital animation, I would still have sex with him if I could find a way.
Resident Evil is my life. I was at the video game store the morning it hit the shelves pretty much touching myself in excitement waiting for the door to open.

Even though I realise Leon Kennedy is all pixels and digital animation, I would still have sex with him if I could find a way.

Love seeing girls (esp hot ones like yourself) playing good games
[B][URL=" said:
Ashlee Adams[/URL][/B], post: 3044683, member: 288580"]I'm a hardcore Gamer Girl, totally obsessed with video games. I'm covered in video game related tattoos haha.

haha I just looked you up and saw all your tats including your Umbrella tat.. Very Hot
Resident Evil is my life. I was at the video game store the morning it hit the shelves pretty much touching myself in excitement waiting for the door to open.

Even though I realise Leon Kennedy is all pixels and digital animation, I would still have sex with him if I could find a way.

the resident evil movies are good too :D especially extinction:bowdown::hatsoff:
Hmmm...I bet if it was some black guy killing white people in Europe nobody would have had a second thought about it.

Grand Theft Auto is an entertainment representation of urban life in the USA. How much does that representation anger people?

Have you ever thought about it as art imitating life. Maybe if they get upset they should blame the crappy way the world is and not forms of art that depict it.