Report: Nearly Half Of Detroiters Can’t Read

My grip on reality is not fucked because first I live in Europe and I know absolutely which groups of the society are backing up Obama and those who are against him. Don't even try to lecture me about Europe, you will just waste your time
Then don't lecture (rant/babble) about America, you clearly know very little. You have absolutely no perspective, being raised wealthy and privileged (you said it). Your social scope is wacky, way crazier than any "socialist lib" (or right winger) or whatever the fuck you call them. In comparison, you make Bill O'Reily seem like a rational, sane individual. I have no desire to lecture you, you will only respond with one of your many generic template posts (it's like Mad Libs for paranoid schizophrenics) that don't really go anywhere.

I really don't know if you're a gimmick or not, but you must be a HOOT in real life.
I blame the welfare system overall.
cool scapegoat
Jobs = a better more well off society.
Detroit's problem is that it is one of the worst states to do business in. No business wants to move to detroit and those who are there want to move out.
Detroit is a great case study about how a once awesome state can be fuked over soooooo bad by politicians and unions.

Actually a lot of studies that have looked at the overall pictures have often placed Michigan somewhere about in the middle with all the states as far as how conductive and beneficial it was to do business here. That's including things like taxes. It wasn't great, but it's downsides where always overblown by people with an agenda or people that didn't know any better.

The real reason it's so bad is not unions, not that they haven't often become corrupt themselves (of course pretty much all politicians everywhere screw things up) but because of cowboy capitalism, globalization, and our whole economic philosophy where we try and always race to the bottom. It took a situation where normal everyday people could easily support a family with only one good income and made that an impossibility so some people in this country could milk out every cent they possibly could because of greed. We have become a society that has sold people out for short term gain at the expense of the wellbeing of most of the people in this country.


Hiliary 2020
Then don't lecture (rant/babble) about America, you clearly know very little. You have absolutely no perspective, being raised wealthy and privileged (you said it). Your social scope is so far out there, way crazier than any "socialist lib" (or right winger) or whatever the fuck you call them. In comparison, you make Bill O'Reily seem like a rational, sane individual.

I really don't know if you're a gimmick or not, but you must be a HOOT in real life.

cool scapegoat

and so what is it then?
Anybody who blames the education system has their head up their ass.
How can you teach a class full of out of control, disrespectful and even violent students anything?

when a government starts giving people money for having kids
supporting them all the way , what do you think will eventually happen?

I'll tell ya Petey.
Millions of people who can't even take care of themselves will bring children into the world and do a horrible job raising them.
these kids will have no guidance, no discipline, nothing positive in their lives.
most of the girls will grow up to do just what momma did and both boys and girls will grow up angry, anti-social, extremely mis-behaved, violent and unprepared to make it out there.
many will grow up to be illiterate , many will go to jail.
almost none will contribute, just be a burden.
Eventually it will be a huge contributer to the downfall of American society.
social decay.
And isnt that whats happening to the USA, social decay, the things I just mentioned?
Its a snowball effect that keeps growing and its bringing everybody save a few mega millionare billionares down.

And the powers that control the GOV knew exactly what it would come to one day when they started this crap back in the 60's.
Its all about money, power and control over society.

See Peter, you've got to look at the BIG PICTURE.

Don't tell someone to look at the big picture when your view of it is skewed as fuck. The only group of people you seem to be talking about are "thugs." or whatever overblown image you imagine. You seem to think that if we just cut welfare, all of a sudden everything is a-ok-#1-prosperity-good-time for all. SOUNDS REASONABLE. Welfare isn't the downfall of society, apathy and proud stupidity is. Maybe it would help if we cut MOTHERFUCKING BASEBALL from those list of programs.


Staff member
Then don't lecture (rant/babble) about America, you clearly know very little. You have absolutely no perspective, being raised wealthy and privileged (you said it). Your social scope is wacky, way crazier than any "socialist lib" (or right winger) or whatever the fuck you call them. In comparison, you make Bill O'Reily seem like a rational, sane individual. I have no desire to lecture you, you will only respond with one of your many generic template posts (it's like Mad Libs for paranoid schizophrenics) that don't really go anywhere.

I really don't know if you're a gimmick or not, but you must be a HOOT in real life.

cool scapegoat

I have relatives who lives in the USA since the mid 50's and I have been in the USA at least 9 times, so don't think that I am that stupid or ignorant about the USA. I know more than you can think, so don't start to underestimate me or tell things you don't even know about me. I think people should be fully responsible for their ownselves and don't need to be assisted. You don't know what my scope is, so please don't talk crap. I have always been the right winger and most of the veteran members can confirm it for you that I support the right wing. I admired Reagan and the reaganomics because during that time America has known its highest growth economical and social.
Living at the expense and the neck of others is what a welfare system brings, the equal distribution of misery. America doesn't need that. A meritocracy is a better system because it only gives to the people who bust their asses hard the merit they deserve, but you can't assist lazy people or poor people. You can't pay for everyone.
Me a hoot? What kind of bullshit are you talking :bs::lame: For people like you in real life, I can be a very bad nightmare. There is a french saying that says :"Be wary of the water that sleeps." You should take it in consideration.
You don't know what my scope is, so please don't talk crap.
Oh yes I do, we all do. You've made it abundantly clear many a time. You know those people celebrating by burning American flags and praising Osama? That's the middle east version of your demeanor. Nothing you have said has ever been factual, just blind stupid rage.

wait a minute you're from france, had an extraordinarily sheltered and privileged life and have only been to america 9 times (im sure you're adding a few) so why am i even talking to you about this?
For people like you in real life, I can be a very bad nightmare.
you're a nightmare on the internet, too. don't sell yourself so short.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
gotta love that public education system

It ain't the education system, it's the people. When the culture is built around scamming welfare, single parents, fathers who don't even know how many kids they have, and ghetto fabulousness as the main goal, how can you expect schools to deal with teaching anyone to read?

Can you imagine being a teacher in an inner-city Detroit school? Trying to expect kids to do homework when a large percentage of them don't even have mothers who graduated from high school, and are half functionally illiterate themselves?

I do not know how to fix such a problem without SEVERE intervention, the kind that the Constitution would forbid.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
While I am not disputing that Detroit has been hit harder then most cities with incredible amounts of urban sprawl, unemployment, and abundance of drug addicts etc.. but 47% sounds like an exaggeration, I am not claiming to know most of the folks in Detroit, but C'mon that's almost impossible to even think.. I mean maybe 20 to 25% I wouldn't doubt would be the more accurate % of people that are that crippled in a illiterate way.. Not saying that this isn't a major problem for Detroit. but I think just looking @ Detroit is naive what about some of the SOUTHERN STATES where one would swear more than 50% are illiterate or somewhat uncivilized. :rolleyes:

Detroit vs. say Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, etc... c'mon were talking about one city in a State vs. entire States.. so what about the reality of that argument? I mean really.. some sources of news don't really investigate actual fact vs. non credible accusations.. just sayin.. you can't always believe what you read or what you watch.. and you also have to take into consideration who's doing the article or segment. are they credible or not and to what degree?

Detroit is only a small reflection of the way Michigan really is.. there are certain cities that feel the pinch of the economy and are hard areas when times are hard, but I can say the mention of the city of SOUTHFIELD in that article is complete fabrication.. that's why I am even defending or arguing this article.. Pontiac is one of the cities that tends too mirror Detroit as far as its poverty goes, but just the mere mention of the city of SFLD is totally ludicrous. SFLD is one of the leading cities as far as progress and the whole community in general, its one of the richest cities in Mi.. and I know the school system in SFLD is top notch.. :2 cents:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
While I am not disputing that Detroit has been hit harder then most cities with incredible amounts of urban sprawl, unemployment, and abundance of drug addicts etc.. but 47% sounds like an exaggeration, I am not claiming to know most of the folks in Detroit, but C'mon that's almost impossible to even think.. I mean maybe 20 to 25% I wouldn't doubt would be the more accurate % of people that are that crippled in a illiterate way.. Not saying that this isn't a major problem for Detroit. but I think just looking @ Detroit is naive what about some of the SOUTHERN STATES where one would swear more than 50% are illiterate or somewhat uncivilized. :rolleyes:

Detroit vs. say Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, etc... c'mon were talking about one city in a State vs. entire States.. so what about the reality of that argument? I mean really.. some sources of news don't really investigate actual fact vs. non credible accusations.. just sayin.. you can't always believe what you read or what you watch.. and you also have to take into consideration who's doing the article or segment. are they credible or not and to what degree?

Detroit is only a small reflection of the way Michigan really is.. there are certain cities that feel the pinch of the economy and are hard areas when times are hard, but I can say the mention of the city of SOUTHFIELD in that article is complete fabrication.. that's why I am even defending or arguing this article.. Pontiac is one of the cities that tends too mirror Detroit as far as its poverty goes, but just the mere mention of the city of SFLD is totally ludicrous. SFLD is one of the leading cities as far as progress and the whole community in general, its one of the richest cities in Mi.. and I know the school system in SFLD is top notch.. :2 cents:

I'm with you ... 47% sounds about as fishy as the 20% of 12-18 year old suicides that are allegedly from auto-erotic asphyxiation.

You know what they say: there are liars, damn liars, and statisticians.
In America, education is expensive - especially good education, meaning teachers who give a damn. It's no secret that Detroit suffered perhaps the worst screwjob and recession in the nation. This story is no surprise.

I fear what is happening in Chicago now. Repeatedly fucked over, businesses leaving or going out of business due to the highest tax rise in the U.S.
Illinois is fucked.


I know you guys have a laugh at Detroit and that's fine. But every major American urban area is at a high risk of going through the same thing. I imagine it will eventually happen to a few more cities that were centered around manufacturing; one could argue cities like Cleveland already have.

Chicago, New York perhaps? If the few wealthy elite leave town for the west coast all you've got is shipping and poor people.

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
while I was out walking my dogs after I wrote my 1st post I was trying to imagine Detroit being 47% illiterate and the only thing that I can factor into whatever evidence they found or who there referring too. but I said too myself I know where they are being deceived, Detroit and allot of its residents as well as other cities are full of IMMIGRANTS who don't speak English @ all..

Detroit has a huge Arab and Mexican influx, not to mention polish and Chinese and yes they are considered RESIDENTS of Detroit, along with the actual DETROITER'S who are actually illiterate + these immigrants that can't speak a lick of English would have to be considered illiterate wouldn't they???? now if you include that into there figures I can believe 25% of a city being illiterate.. same with SFLD but I bet its not even 10% in Sfld,Mi.. just thinking out loud. :2 cents:


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.

I know you guys have a laugh at Detroit and that's fine. But every major American urban area is at a high risk of going through the same thing. I imagine it will eventually happen to a few more cities that were centered around manufacturing; one could argue cities like Cleveland already have.

Chicago, New York perhaps? If the few wealthy elite leave town for the west coast all you've got is shipping and poor people.

I love Detroit, actually.

It's one of my favorite places to drive through on my way to somewhere better:D

Joking aside, Atar has a good point. One of Detroit's problems is not just its large minimum wage/welfare class demographic, but also it's lack of a sizeable wealthy community compared to cities of a similar size.

The rich tend to spend the majority of their money locally, employing people, real estate, leisure, cars etc .... if that street-level spending is missing, it has a long domino effect on the overall economy.
I cannot comment or speculate. There are, I would imagine; a great deal of factors as to why Detroit is turning in to a cesspool. Is the auto industry that all but abandoned Detroit and in turn ripped the city's economy apart to blame? Or maybe it was the riots in the 1960's that burned half the city to the ground and as a result a great deal of the city's white population ran for the suburbs; pissing their pants out of fear of the angry black folks, or is it maybe the fault of the Lions, because come on, lets admit it they suck. All I know is that it wasn't anyone thing that has lead Detroit to become the left armpit of America. (Baltimore is the right armpit) No one has raised the question: What's to be done about it?