rep power cut in half?

Strangest thing, when the reps were cut in half, my dick shrunk to half it's size, but now it's as big as ever. Damn.


Postal Paranoiac
Rep shmep. Just don't change my avatar to a picture of the Hedgehog. :rolleyes:
I was wondering the same thing.......I was at 60 something, and now I'm down to zero. WTF? :confused:

your rep power is saying 57 to me so not sure what you are talking about

Probably not by bumping a 3 year old thread, for starters.

Also, look through the thread with rep in the title. Try the search function. However, don't put too much stock in what you read. The rules for rep have changed, and I'm sure Petra will have a new post about it soon. Watch the Members Only section of the board.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt about a blast from the past. This thread was created very shortly before the great Reputation Fiasco of 2008....i.e. April fools where I told everyone I was resetting rep. We actually did have people get pissed off and leave the board. LOL


Special Operations FOX-HOUND
Who the hell cares about rep? It's only a fucking number!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Who the hell cares about rep? It's only a fucking number!

Roald cares. You should have seen him when he figured out that Raymond and I turned rep off for Admin. The 0 on his posts taunts him and he cried about no longer being able to negative rep me.

Boo fucking hoo.
:rofl: stop bloody complaining ! i was max rep. ! fuck freeones ! :yahoo: ;)