Religious art


Devilish but fun.




Jesus did not give up.

He was fair, incorruptible, always willing to help the opressed people and that is why millions of people rely on him.

So we are just going to ignore all the demon face genitalia, Jesus himself sporting a huge boner and Mary squirting her milk into random people's mouths?
How cum satan wins every fuckin time? It's all imagination!

When Jesus and the Devil are fighting the latter will have to back off.

But Devil is cunning creature an she is able to manipulate weak-willed people.

Ps: when you swear the Devil will come to you...

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You do know just because you believe, you don't automatically get in, right, asshead? The man Jesus himself said space is limited. But then again, some of my parish priests did say those born with disabilities do get to pass go and collect two hundred dollars because they've suffered enough here on Earf. So your retardation might just save you.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
It is very possible that the perpetrators were Syrians mercenaries.

Great googly moogly your retardation knows no bounds. The Romans did do it at the behest of the Hebrews. You would need at least three promotions to become a dickhead.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Jesus fight against the forces of Satan

The stupidity of that statement and that weak ass picture really call into question your knowledge of Christianity and its teachings, you moron.

Jesus does not hear those who have made serious crimes.

Hard criminals can pray and ask for mercy but it does not help them.