relationship question

So i´ve recently got into this and i´m a little confused about it, i´m a 26 year old guy, my girlfriend left me about a year ago and i was dealing with it quite well eventhough i felt quite bad at first time,

so i started lately to search in several relationship sites and i´ve meet a 42 year old woman, so far we only meet once to take a coffee and so on, eventhough i feel that we have a good chemical between us, she has two kids, thats not a problem to me, but my main concern is if I should go on with this relationship or just trying to look for somebody more suitable for my age
Follow your heart. You're both adults, and between adults an age difference of that size isn't such a big deal. You're at different life-stages, sure, but it's what you feel for the other person and how you get along - your compatibility - that counts.

:2 cents:
I guess age has no barriers really, if you make each other happy then you can't argue with that, but I guess you have to take it pretty slowly if there are kids involved, though on the other hand if you start with a niggeling feeling that can only grow and do you both harm in the long run, its a toughy mate. Good Luck though.
If you think you get on well and like her I see no problem. Age has nothing to do with it, who's to say you'd ever find someone you'd like half as much. My advice is give it a go!


Retired Moderator
I believe age may not be a big factor at first, but like everything should be taken into consideration when entering a relationship with some one.
Think about this... when your 30 she'll be 46, at 40 she'll be 56 and so on.
If you have a concern about her age don't ignore it, listen to it and make a decision. :2 cents:


Member, you member...
My last REAl girlfriend, as in one I truly care for to this day, was 13 years older than I. We enjoyed each others company immensely and I must say I miss her.
Like was previously stated, go by how you feel, don't dwell on the age difference, because if you do, you'll just doom the relationship before it has a chance to go anywhere and if that happens, you may just lose the love of your life just because she was born before you.
Remember, we take a risk every time we open ourselves up to another in a relationship - sometimes we get burned, sometimes we get loved.
Be honest ...

sotar79 said:
so i started lately to search in several relationship sites and i´ve meet a 42 year old woman, so far we only meet once to take a coffee and so on, eventhough i feel that we have a good chemical between us, she has two kids, thats not a problem to me, but my main concern is if I should go on with this relationship or just trying to look for somebody more suitable for my age
The only issue I've ever seen is people not being honest with each other. In fact, sometimes people are just afraid to be honest with each other -- especially when there is a huge age gap.

She might be looking for stability, at least long-term. You Might be just looking for a friend to start, maybe a little more after that, but are uncertain long-term. If you're honest about this just before the first time you are intimate, you'll avoid a lot of false assumptions and hurt.

Yes, I know, it can be hard to do this when you're just about to jump into the "heat of passion" that first time. It can be as simple as, "what do you want this to lead to afterwards?"

If she says that she just wants you for now, or something else temporary, then enjoy it. Otherwise, trust me, the last thing you want to do is make love to a woman who is going to read everything into it.

Always keep the open dialog going as your relationship progreses. The relationship may (and often will) change. Don't be scared and don't run away. Just be honest. Don't let her hope any more than yourself.

It's never wrong for you to do what you want.
It's only wrong if You Mislead someone on what you want.
Biggest difference for me in dating was 7 years. I had no problem with it but she was always so concerned with what others thought about it that the relationship never really had a chance. I was REALLY distraught over it and had a very difficult time getting over it. You have gotten some excellent advice/opinions so far, and I agree. Go with how you feel, don't ignore any of those feelings, and do not FORCE anything. if it works aout, Great. If not, then move on. Life is too short and there is way too much out there to enjoy. There is no point in dwelling on a few negative things when there are so many enjoyable ones to experience.
So, in short, give it a go and see what happens. Good luck and hope it all works out for you!
i dated a 40 yr. old when i was 22 went quite well but then i started getting a little worried my mom would find out because it was a good friend of hers so we agreed to back off. good sex though. and my ex was 9 years older than me we were together for 3 years that wasnt that bad i guess the age i mean. i always thought yeah ill date older women and they will have their shit together, nope doesnt matter what age, just if she is mentally stable. i have always been with older women and now my wife is 2 years younger.
glk35 said:
i dated a 40 yr. old when i was 22 went quite well but then i started getting a little worried my mom would find out because it was a good friend of hers so we agreed to back off.
Why? You're an adult.
If she wants to be judgemental, that's her problem, not yours.
Her friend is entitled to her happiness, and if that happens to be her son, well so be it!

My mother was totally against my being with, engaged to and marrying my wife.
Had I listened to her, I wouldn't have the bliss I do today.
People are always going to be judgemental -- fuck'em, no matter who they are or how important their opinion is normally.

glk35 said:
good sex though. and my ex was 9 years older than me we were together for 3 years that wasnt that bad i guess the age i mean. i always thought yeah ill date older women and they will have their shit together, nope doesnt matter what age, just if she is mentally stable. i have always been with older women and now my wife is 2 years younger.
I was with many older women (even if only briefly) when I was young.
Now my wife is 2 years younger as well.
Nothing wrong with it, but you need to ask yourself what you want in life. A big question looking long term is how important is having kids of your own? You Might not want any...but children with her will probably be impossible now, whether she wanted them with 2 of her own already or not. It would be unfair to continue the relationship if you did because one day it may eat you up and you will leave her so you could.

Miss Brittany

Official Checked Star Member
I always tell my friends stay away from women with children. No matter if they r 40 or 20.

Unless u r ready to take the responsabilty of dealing with that.

Which is huge.

You cant be with her and not deal with that.

That is part if the package.

I'd say go find someone with no kids man.

Thats alot to deal with for a 26 yr old.

Theres to much pussy out there.

My opinion.
don't do it!

like Seraphim said, she'll be 56 when you're 40. gotta think long term, unless you don't plan on having a long term relationship, in which case, go for it and have fun.