Pason put in a half-ass effort into writing her book. Just like her acting and voice-over work. Check-out this comment:
“The biggest problem I have with this pamphlet that calls itself a book, is that there are hardly any words in it. It is literally multiple pages of one sentence per sheet of paper. Some of the pages, at best have four or five sentences. The sentences are not consistent with a continuous narrative. They are almost all one liners that seem to be simple, feel good statements lifted from posts made on some 14 year old girl’s Twitter account.
I was looking for depth, I was looking for substance, but mostly, I was looking for help. When myself and many others seek out self help material, what we are all looking for is information that will inspire us to greatness. Albeit, there was information in there that tried to be helpful, and in part, was a little helpful here and there. Upon completion of reading the “book”, which took less that 20 minutes, I did not walk away with any sublime profundity, but instead felt jaded. I felt that I had been taken by some unscrupulous publishing firm, that had whipped up a few paragraphs worth of self help material, and then stretched it out over 93 pages in order to sell it as a book.”
“A few other problems is with the advertising of this book. It talks about how she had a horrible upbringing and how she overcame the hard circumstances of her life, but as soon as you get the book, it makes clear that there will be no detailed discussion of her past, only positive thoughts that helped her through that time frame.
Another obvious concern are the numerous grammatical errors and spelling mistakes throughout this pamphlet that is called a book. There is even an embarrassing spelling mistake right on the back cover summary. ( reguardless instead of regardless ).”