Recurring dream themes..?

I keep dreaming that I'm Superman (no, really!..)

I just like the flying around, freedom to go where I want.

(If blueballs says he dreams of being Lex Luthor...)


The One and Only Big Daddy
Re: recurring dream themes..?

I keep dreaming that I'm Superman (no, really!..)

I just like the flying around, freedom to go where I want.

(If blueballs says he dreams of being Lex Luthor...)

Really I keep dreaming of sitting in front of my computer on Freeones no really :dunno:Don't know why
I tend not to remeber my dreams. It is rare since I was about 6 and had lots of nightmares. Back then I learned to either surpress my dreams or only allow the ones that are good. Still means I don't remeber to many of them. However if I have recurring them its about action. Running though woods, fighting hell even stalking someone though an old farm house. I know strange right?


I have a dream about me, Blueballs and Whimsy. It involves baby oil, butter and a gag ball.
I have a dream about me, Blueballs and Whimsy. It involves baby oil, butter and a gag ball.

Got news for you bud... IT WAS NO DREAM!!!
Didn't Martin Luther King have the same problem about 50 years ago? :dunno:
She is indeed beautiful...she recurs in my dreams often too. :D

I think they're both beautiful. They're my two favorite don't diss GaGa. Cote will beat you up. ;) :tongue: j/k :D

Thats where she is.. in your dreams. Well at least now I know :)

Not making fun of GaGa just not my cup of tea. As for Cote beating me up... Oh yeah most likely she would. I'd enjoy the beating I think though.
I'm flying in my dreams quite often, but for some reason I always have to hide that ability from other people in my dreams, strange...
Good thread idea.

Snakes, high places and fucking seems to occur a lot in my dreams. Maybe because the former two scares me and the last one... well it's sex.
Lying on a lawn, snakes and flying. Not in the same dreams though.

Don't forget to vote for Vanessa Blue in the "Miss Freeones 2010" contest.


Lord Dipstick
I'm always dreaming about my fucking teeth falling out! :dunno:
Some girl told me that means I have low self confidence!?