recurring dream, help??

I keep aving the same dream, can anyone help me understand what it means, please??
Basically i.m in a tower building on the 3rd floor, with my sister, her husband, a little girl they have with them, (they have a son in real life) my mother and a man, who is my uncle, who i don't know though. Its really really dark, we go to bed and i dream i'm lost, everyone is gone and i can't move my hands to get out of anywhere. I wake up really scared, everyone is, we run down to the car when we get there, it gets really dark quick, everyone disapears, my dream comes true, I'm stuck trying to open the door ut my hands don't work, its horrible, i wake up sweating scared to death?? Anyone any ideas other than i'm a freak lol
You need to go to a strip club and get a lapdance immediately. That will immediately ~release~ all this pent up ~tension~ you have stored in your head :hatsoff: :boobies:
I'm sorry to hear about this dream, man. I'm sure there are counselors to deal with this kind of thing. I've had about 50 dreams about high school since last June, and I can't get those to go away either.

Is the dream depressing because everybody disappears?
There are 2 things you can do.

1. Wait & see if this dream keeps on recurring for a longer period of time. If it doesn't, there's nothing to worry about.

2. If it really bothers you, visit a psychologist or counselor. They're educated professionals & know what advice to give (something most people on this board don't know)


Member, you member...
When you know something is going wrong in your dream, wake yourself up.
Have you been under stress lately? I'm no psychologist, but it sounds like some of the themes in your dream could be explained by stress and a feeling of overall helplessness in your life.
You need to go to a strip club and get a lapdance immediately. That will immediately ~release~ all this pent up ~tension~ you have stored in your head :hatsoff: :boobies:

This is truly excellent advice.....I see now how you got the Mr. FreeOnes title :hatsoff:
I've had my fair share of horrific dreams but they are never recurring and are almost always factually incorrect. I wouldn't worry though as they never translate to real life.
Damn, everyone always gets these crazy dreams. Mine are always non-chalant, everyday type of dreams, and I know I'm dreaming the entire time.
Damn, everyone always gets these crazy dreams. Mine are always non-chalant, everyday type of dreams, and I know I'm dreaming the entire time.

Feel sorry for you. I've been killed at least 3 times in my dreams (that I remember) and I never know I'm dreaming until I wake up in a cold sweet, the relief you feel is immense.
i don't ever remember my dreams myself it's darkness from when i fall asleep until i wake up from what i can tell...i read somewhere that if you don't dream it means you're not getting rem sleep but i don't really know if that's true or if i simply don't remember my dreams
i rarely remember my dreams...i know, that's not helpful in anyway, shape or form but i felt like it was a fitting response...:)


A dream where your whole family disappears?

Do you want to sell it? Sounds like heaven


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
What you just described is the setting for a horror novel by Brian Keene entitled "The Darkness on the Edge of Town"
You have a malignant brain tumour.

Seek help immediately.

R.I.P (just getting that out of the way now so I don't forget later)