Rebekah Parmar Teasdale


Staff member
excellent links and photos. thanks jenna z fan and tripod:hatsoff::thumbsup:


georges;) :)
Rebekah Teasdale

Morning everyone!

Any clues on who this is? Absolute Perfeciton...

(I'd post the link, but by tomorrow it would roll off the site I found it on....)



  • 0311.jpg
    118.4 KB · Views: 2,615


i belong to the msn group dedicated to this goddess and it contains loads of pics of her showing pink. also lesbian pics including strap ons, i kid you all not. i would give you the link but i cant log onto msn at the moment :mad: (ive tried like 10 times and it just wont let me). if i manage to do it i'll let you have it unless someone else can get it for you guys before then


managed to get the link. i think you'll have to join the community to get a look but its well worth it. enjoy :hatsoff:
This is like christmas or something! Thanx for this thread I had a hard time finding anything about this model she is in my top 5 I love this thread keepposting more pics or links of her man...this brings tears to my eyes......:nanner:
Re: Rebekah Parmar teasdale search

I am a big Rebekah fan too. If only she ever did some real hard core.

I think she grew her hair longer recently. I like her better with it short.

The only thing bad about her is, to put it bluntly, her pussy lips. She essentially doesn't have any inner ones. Still, I wouldn't complain if I had her.

Oh, and she doesn't usually smile much. I guess she has "English" teeth.
Re: Rebekah Parmar teasdale search

Thanks The Fog, finally a rebekah site i haven't seen. It's as dood as the Rebekah teasdale shrine site that long since been in opertation. And i agree it's a pity she doesn't do hardcore. Maybe we should lobby the houses of parliament or something.