Real life look-a-likes for SuperWoman, and Lara Croft...Amazing!!!



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Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
That is, to put a fine point on it, is an epic failure. Whoever agreed with these two that this was a good idea may have been lying.


Moving to a trailer in Fife, AL.
If you are drunk and doing the one-eyed squint, the one on the left is almost do-able
wow.......... dear god no........... that just ruined soooooooo many fantasies........
Christ...there's not even mood lighting to soften their looks...ewww, and I'm the one that posted it!!!:throwup:
Why isn't this picture added to nightwanker's League of FreeOnes Board Superheroines? They deserve the opportunity to make crime pay for what they've done!
the one on the left looks a little manish
That's fucking uncanny.
I say that chick on the right would have been better in the movies than Angelina Jolie was, anyway.