I wonder the same thing but there seem to be no Irish Porn(no offical sites) really thats out there, thats actually taken in ireland or anything close to what anyone can call Irish porn. the best you can do is buy Fucked In Ireland there are 3 videos out there.
I just recently bought Fucked in Ireland #2 at CDUniverse.com they only have #2 but if you look up/google fucked in ireland you'll find a few online places that sell the other ones i really want to get fucked in irealnd #3 mostly UK websites sell the DVD there is one american site that has #3 and i think 1 and 2.
I think i don't know the name of the site but like i said look it up you'll find it. Fucked in irealnd is shot very amatuer flashes from a camera guy are seen and things like that. and i think there's at least one UK porn actress in one of all the DVDS.
maybe there is no offical Irish porn cause the irish like having sex and have no need to do porn, but there are pleanty of irish adult shops in Dublin. I never went in one (but i wanted to) and i never saw anyone come out of one or go in. There were pleanty of people on the streerts near them just hanging out on some steps near by.
I'm hoping for a offical site or something Irish thats for sure irish porn.