A few thoughts on you, Ms. Foxx. I read your net worth is $40 million (mostly from real estate, I assume). You must be smarter than 99% of the men you fuck.
One hears of abuses in the porn industry, and I'm not out to rationalize them. But if you were rich when you entered porn, and I understand you've been in porn about a decade, you must not have been victimized yourself, or why stick around?
I saw your quarantine interview with a pregnant Holly Randall, and you came across as a happy, positive-thinking lady. About the only time you seemed down was when you said a few guys failed to get it up in front of you in your (then) nine years in porn. And you seemed to take it personally. Is Viagra not used in porn? I think Holly made the impression that it is, but in another interview, she said the men "have to get your (their) dicks hard", so I'm in the dark.