Reading a Book or Watching a Film!


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Title does the job. Me, a book, although it's alot easier to get spoon-fed a story interpreted by someone else though your eyes. I always read a book before a film comes out! Lord of the Rings for example, if you didn't read it before the film, there's little point ever reading it, you can't imagine your own charachters or locations afterwards. Anyway, me like books! You like?
Is it bad of me to say watch a movie? I find it easygoing to watch a 90min film rather than spend weeks reading a book.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Books. Like the OP said, it's more enjoyable to read and put your own take on something that may be vague, or that could be interpreted in different ways.

Same goes for songs vs. seeing the music video. A lot of the time, it's more fun to attach your own meaning to a song, rather than see the "story" played out in a video. Course, they don't really make that many music vids anymore, do they?


Me...I swing both ways. I love books and films.

I'd disagree about not being able to enjoy the LOTR books if you've already watched the films. So much more happens in the books that having watched the films would just serve as an introduction of sorts to the books.

Dune is an example of a movie I watched and then read the book. I seriously think I never would've understood the book had not the film given me an idea of what to picture in my head. As a result I loved the book and quickly tore through the others in the series.

Me...I swing both ways.

Great! What are you doing on Saturday night? :nannerf1: :D
I'd disagree about not being able to enjoy the LOTR books if you've already watched the films. So much more happens in the books that having watched the films would just serve as an introduction of sorts to the books.

2 words for you: Tom Bombadil :thumbsup:


Prince of the Rotten Milk
both: reading the book, THEN watch the movie :thumbsup:

can't wait for "The Lost Symbol" movie to be made...
I must have read about 50 books this year.
I haven't counted how many movies I have watched, but at least 50 too.
Probably more.


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I'd disagree about not being able to enjoy the LOTR books if you've already watched the films. So much more happens in the books that having watched the films would just serve as an introduction of sorts to the books.

I meant in the context of the charachters and settings. If you read a book, then you can imagine the people and places described for yourself. Having watched a film you're unable to de-associate the characters and settings depicted in a film, and therefore not interpreting it fully yourself. I agree totally with you about the plot, there's alot more to many books than a film adaption can contain.


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Not sure of the context of the question. Is it referring specifically to the some plot, a film of LOTR v a movie of LOTR? Or generally books or movies?

Any books, any film, LOTR was just an example!
I agree with Goudah that I can't dissociate the characters after I've watched the movie.
Whenever there is a big movie adaptation being released, I try to read the book first so I don't have it ruined by the movie.
Even though I didn't watch any of the Harry Potter films until after I'd read the books...I still knew which actors had been cast in the roles so I both saw and heard them in my mind when I read all 7 of the books.

I don't think it spoiled anything. In fact, I rather enjoyed hearing Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, and the rest as I was reading.

I don't read books, I only like to watch the films. The Lord of the Rings films was brilliant to watch but soon after watching the films I like to try and read the Lord of the Rings books to see Tolkien world so I can see how Tolkien and the films version differs.


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Even though I didn't watch any of the Harry Potter films until after I'd read the books...I still knew which actors had been cast in the roles so I both saw and heard them in my mind when I read all 7 of the books.

I don't think it spoiled anything. In fact, I rather enjoyed hearing Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman, and the rest as I was reading.


Did you mean didn't read the book, untill after watching the films,