
:D :D :D

Thats one of the things I find so silly about pornstars, anyone else noticed that whenever you come across the bio of a pornstar, in most cases they are 1/8th irish, 1/64 cherokee, 1/16th spanish, 1/4 french, 1/200th mongolian etc etc etc

Whats the thinking here, "hey if i associate myself with as many different groups of people that i can, then maybe i'll have more fans!"

Ridiculos, i might be being unfair and all of these pornstars really do take great pride day to day in the fact they are 1/250th irish cos they're distant relatives, distant relatives, distant relative once had a pint of guiness.......but you know what i mean!

Hmmm...Well I am 100% Indian. I think in a country like America most people in general have so many mixes in them. I never thought about how girls might say they are many different things to get more fans. I guess its good publicity for them.

I say be who you are and be proud. :) People are going to like you no matter what race you are if you are nice and pretty. :)

Sunny Leone
Good God the wait is killing me. Post some stills or something.


Tig Ol' Bitty Expert
Nice catch ... Thanks!!!. :glugglug:

Raylene done new scene with Julia Ann & Dyanna Lauren!!!. :nanner:

@ - Raylene - Raylene's Dirty Work [ Vivid Video 2009 ] - DVD Covers - @ :hatsoff:

*** Release Date : 09/16/2009 :cool:

http://img154.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=31503_Raylene_Dirty_Work_DVD_Cover_123_462lo.jpg :eek:


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Thx for the trailer...even if it didn't show anything...
I love Raylene, hopefully she won't just do Vivid.
She looks great get double teamed. Hopefully she'll do some internet stuff and do a lot of IR.
30 people said, not my type of girl... holy shit.. that's a lot..