Raven Smore

Re: Mature lady named Raven

Not that I know of. She is on quite a few mature sites, but there isn't a lot of sample vids out there. On the other thread, I have a link to a series (www.hardxtc.com/????? and www.hornymosquito.com/?????-- had the sampling vids), was a great series of her one on one (purple top and black skirt), but I never found all of it (specially the money shot) and never found where it came from. Too bad too, cuz was one of my favorites.

The last link I posted here has some huge sample vids (17MB on the small one and 42MB on the big one) but I can't find any small vid samples anywhere but on the homepage.

I'm always looking. She is one of my favs (reminds me of a close friend I had once that never quite worked out as far as I would have liked ;-), but keeps the good memories going).
Re: Mature lady named Raven

Not that I know of. She is on quite a few mature sites, but there isn't a lot of sample vids out there. On the other thread, I have a link to a series (www.hardxtc.com/????? and www.hornymosquito.com/?????-- had the sampling vids), was a great series of her one on one (purple top and black skirt), but I never found all of it (specially the money shot) and never found where it came from. Too bad too, cuz was one of my favorites.

The last link I posted here has some huge sample vids (17MB on the small one and 42MB on the big one) but I can't find any small vid samples anywhere but on the homepage.

I'm always looking. She is one of my favs (reminds me of a close friend I had once that never quite worked out as far as I would have liked ;-), but keeps the good memories going).

Here is the thread with these links:


Still searching for the money shot from this scene.......