Rate this girl: Sunrise Adams



face: 19 ..... such spirit in the eyes, and cute kissable lips
breast: 13 ..... a little balloon-like and some scars but matches body well
ass:18 ..... love her lower body....voluptuous, spankable ass
legs: 19 ..... again, her lower body is the best in the biz cuz its so voluptuous- hips, thighs
performace: 18 ..... no chick licks pussy better and she is a good cowgirl


i like her hips and waist the best, so yummy
F: 17 very cute
T: 16 nice job...look good
A: 17 very nice
L: 16 very nice
P: 15

Total: 81
face: 18 (an angel)
tits: 20+ (damn, those are the perfect tits!! everu woman should have them)
ass: 18
legs: 18
performance: 19 what a nice slut
overal: 93/100
face: 18/20
tits: 18/20
ass: 19/20
legs: 18/20
performance: 20/20
overal: 93/100
face: 20 I usually go for asians but I'd make an exception of her
tits: 15 not perfect, too perfect. not natural right?
ass: 20
legs: 20
performance: 20
overall: 95. not bad, not bad at all.
I'm quite picky, and have a very distinct taste in women, so here goes:

Face - 8, not at all what I like, especially since to me the face is the most important feature of the mentioned, so I'm a real bitch when it comes to faces. :D

Tits - 15, Obviously fake, but I seen much worse and slightly better. Not as bad as my 7/10, nor as good as my 8/10, so 15/20 seems right.

Legs - 12, Not too badly disfigured or wrinkly/celluloid, but I prefere thinner and more shapely lol.

Performance - 9, I love solo acts like that, but being the severely corrupted perv, I like hardcore - much more hardcore ie fingering, dildo, more sexy posting and etc...

Overall: 44% - I wont even look twice at her! :thefinger

Lol sorry, but thats just my honest opinion, but hey, we all got different tastes. And I learnt not to be extremly pissed and go into murderous rage everytime a women like her appears on my porno sites, knowing that there are many people who like them. :)
I believe she's the neice of Sunrise Thomas. Whom I was also a fan of. Wow, that makes me feel old. :eek: I'd give her about a 90/100.


The Second-Hottest Man in my Mother's Basement
98/100 A few years ago she was my absolute favourite.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I have a strict policy of not looking at people or knowing anything about them beforehand and simply applying an arbitrary number with no criteria or rationale. So, by this extremely scientific analysis, she's an 83/100. :hatsoff:


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit