Rate the signature above you

9/10 JCM!

hot babe x2


Retired Moderator
10/10 - beautiful again :thumbsup: and I have passion for feet - Undertaker
10/10 - for DrDeath, who has made me edit again
Last edited:
10/10 Kick ass!

(did you make the Mini-sig as well UT?)

Thanks to both of you! Yeah drdeath, i have seen those small userbars on other forums and stuff so i wanted to make one of my own.

drdeath: 10/10 . Just an amazing text effect. Amazing!
10/10 - beautiful again :thumbsup: and I have passion for feet

JCMSVOBODA: 9/10 . Awesome babe!!
10/10 love the Band-aid
10/10 Looks like the one I had on a cut yesterday :D

(Thanks Doc, had 6 in total same two pictures of Lucy, but 6 different back ground effects. This one I decided on after about an hour of looking :) )
This sig is a clear 10 to me! beautiful Victoria Silvstedt and cool text effect
