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I like the text!

As an electrician i must say it's weird...

but as an sig admirer i say... Hell yeah!



Retired Moderator
6/10 15 letters long :D

I can't wait to see what new Sig you come up with :thumbsup:
Enlighten me on who Randy Rhoads Played for?

a non-metaler on the board?!:confused:

he played for quiet riot before they made it big. after QR randy went on to play with ozzy, and record one of the top 5 metal albums of all time. "diary of a madman" check it out sometime. you will not regret it.:thumbsup:
Axcuse me? I said, axcuse me? Im look for the briidge. Can someone help me find the briiige? Where is that confounded bridge!?

Er, me not a metalhead? Look at my age lol. I havent been around very long, and my fondness of metal only started a few years ago. Thanks!
Cradle of filth... They did a good cover of Hallowed be thy name.

As for the first bit of my reply, thats good Ol' Zepplin. Montreal Man should know that.