8/10 very Unique
D D-rock Dec 2, 2006 #785 10/10 It looks like Dr.Death when he puts glow in the dark spray paint on himself.
HeartBroker Dec 2, 2006 #791 10/10 Eddie The 'Ed Classic (The first time I ever saw him come out and stomp across the stage during "Run To The Hills" I damn near shit myself!)
10/10 Eddie The 'Ed Classic (The first time I ever saw him come out and stomp across the stage during "Run To The Hills" I damn near shit myself!)
Legzman what the fuck you lookin at? Dec 2, 2006 #792 9/10 another award winning sig...maybe not SOTW material but very sexy none the less! :thumbsup:
Clarkie25 Dec 3, 2006 #797 10 I love how the boobs look popping out of that suit. I also like the text. nice work :thumbsup: