8/10 cos it moves
M member2009 Closed Account Jun 9, 2006 #625 10/10 : I think it's the first time I rate JCMSVOBODA's avatar.
SeraphiM Retired Moderator Jun 11, 2006 #633 9/10 I spent at least 10 min's trying to figure out what the hell she is saying :1orglaugh
jod0565 Member, you member... Jun 11, 2006 #634 Seraphim said: 9/10 I spent at least 10 min's trying to figure out what the hell she is saying :1orglaugh Click to expand... I still don't know... 10/10 - Always liked it!
Seraphim said: 9/10 I spent at least 10 min's trying to figure out what the hell she is saying :1orglaugh Click to expand... I still don't know... 10/10 - Always liked it!
SeraphiM Retired Moderator Jun 11, 2006 #637 10/10 Even though I like it more with the matching Sig :thumbsup:
picard2893 Jun 11, 2006 #639 i didn´t changed my mind 9/10...because of her serious look...not sexy enough for me....but beautiful anyway...
i didn´t changed my mind 9/10...because of her serious look...not sexy enough for me....but beautiful anyway...
Legzman what the fuck you lookin at? Jun 11, 2006 #640 that girl looks like she needs a nice stiff dick! 9/10