10/10 the lovely Farrah
Smittmaestro Center of the fothermucking universe May 5, 2007 #2,067 10 I'm a dog lover, except Yorkies! Can't stand Yorkies! -cs™
P Perilypos Retired Moderator May 6, 2007 #2,071 10/10 - resembles a doggie I had some 15 years ago :thumbsup:
Vanilla Bear Bears For Life May 15, 2007 #2,079 6.5/10 - smittmeister, smittmeister, smitmeister! :nono: Please change your avy again into your old animated one!
6.5/10 - smittmeister, smittmeister, smitmeister! :nono: Please change your avy again into your old animated one!