Many women are greedy, selfish and vile beasts living in huge self-denial. They love to play victim, while they are actually the problem and always on the offense. Feminists talk about "nice guys", but those are only little minority of losers. Female equivalent of "nice guys" seems to be much bigger issue and the worst ones are those who live in self-denial. Only bitterness and hatred awaiting them on that path... They are easily recognizable from always victimizing themselves, being hypocrites, always accusing something else or someone else from everything and being such a drama queens is very common. Perfect example of this kind of behaviour comes with a simple line; "All women like only bad guys.". Only couple words already manages to victimize speaker, while accusing everything else for ones own failures. There are also multiple pinkies that continuously meet these criterias, but that's none of my business... Funny fact about domestic violence for example is that person is more likely to be violated today by a woman than a man in non-development countries. Men then again tend to spend more time having some drunk fun together with fists...