Ramon noodles Ya or Nay?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I hate ramen noodles more than anything else, but when you're broke, you learn to love them like a sister. Only, you don't...put...your sister...in your mouth?
Ramen noodles are the shit! When eaten raw they are like the fried noodles you would get in bags from Chinese restaurants. Has anyone made a ramen omellete?? I'll post directions and pics in a sec, but it is the bestest fucking breakfast you can have if you wake n bake =p

When adding the eggs and powder, I also add some melted butter, seasoned salt, and onion powder. Than top it off with a lot of cheese on the top!


Take a Hit, Spunker!
Ramen noodles are a lifesaver. One of the best foods ever made.


I guess SuperNoodles are the UK equivilent? Good for a quick snack, especially when you can add other shit to it. The idea of a noodle omellete is making me moist...
If you're watching your sodium intake, stay away from Ramen Noodles. They contain around 1000 mg per serving.

Very true and what most people don't realize is in allot of cases because they come in one pack..people think it's one serving. One pack is actually 2 servings so when you gobble down that msg flavor pack that comes with it, you're getting double the sodium.:eek:

The noodles themselves are that bad...it's usually a wheat gluten process food. Not much worse than some of the bread you can eat out there.:dunno:
We don't have them we have Mr.Noddle here. They are alright from time to time I don't eat them often.

This was an old thread that rose from the grave today.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Ramen noodles have enough salt to kill you. no i don't eat them, i have a "backup" case of them in my hurricane supply cupboard in case the big one comes. but it can't even be classified as food. thats just survival rations with no nutrional value whatsoever. they remind of being poor, college days, and living in canada. no thank you. too many bad associations that have scarred my mind
Ramen noodles have enough salt to kill you. no i don't eat them, i have a "backup" case of them in my hurricane supply cupboard in case the big one comes. but it can't even be classified as food. thats just survival rations with no nutrional value whatsoever. they remind of being poor, college days, and living in canada. no thank you. too many bad associations that have scarred my mind

  • whats so bad about canada eh?
everyone keeps talking about how bad they are, and although it probably doesnt do much to offset the badness, i add green onion, brocolli and fresh carrots to mine. sometimes celery as well. i pretty much make mine soup. its good on cold days. very good.