>>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Raffle Closed - All Prizes have been Claimed!


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Check often to see if you won!!!

Just out of curiousity, whats with the line through some of the above selections? Did the prizewinners get busted for selling steroids to A-Rod?

Again, thanx to the admins for the extra work and time and thanx to the sponsors, especially the one I picked, for their generousity. I really am looking forward to my free membership. :thumbsup:

It's more because I'm being lazy and didn't want to double maintain the prizes elsewhere. ;-)

If something has a strike through, it simply means I've given them the prize.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Tues 4:11am EST!


By the way, I do take bribes. If anyone can get me oh.. I don't know, lets say... Bobbi Starr or any of my favourites to.. er.. hang out with me, I'll be sure to tip the scales in your favour.

Just don't tell Petra..

I had an A&P professor that could be bought off with pecan pie, that could be arranged. :D



Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Tues 4:11am EST!

69 winning #'s have been drawn... was that amount planned:naughtynaughty:

This means there should be 8 prizes and winners left unless there will be changes to the prize pool.


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Tues 4:11am EST!

69 winning #'s have been drawn... was that amount planned:naughtynaughty:

This means there should be 8 prizes and winners left unless there will be changes to the prize pool.

Think there's 26 prizes left. Not everyone has claimed their prizes.

Ah well, means more chances for others!!


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

69 tickets called, #69 drawn. Well well well..

Anyway, I fucked up the whole 69 thing by drawing more numbers!

Hope you don't mind.

Vanilla Bear

Bears For Life
Re: Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Another group has been drawn at 6:30am EST!

I'm about to go off and get drunk and trust me, you don't want me doing this drunk. ;-)
What do you mean? You would have drawn even wronger numbers?!

It all makes sense now, Bree, Christy.... you can't count and you've always been drunk during the Miss FreeOnes contests! :facepalm:
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

Better luck next time. Eight drawings. No match. Even one number. Congrats to winners.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

So is it over or will there be more drawings if prizes are not claimed?


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

NO! Don't stop drawing!

We'll tell you when to stop...!:crash:
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

Hey! "- Drawing will go until all prizes have been handed out."
They haven't :angel1:


FO Admin - 19 Cents of Magical Cock (her/shey)
Staff member
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Weds 12:09am EST!

Hey! "- Drawing will go until all prizes have been handed out."
They haven't :angel1:

Ding ding ding! We have a winner!

And speaking of winners.... moar numbers have been drawn!

And I also have a pocket full of amazing d6s. But don't mind me, I'm just flirting with Petra.

Carry on.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Fri 12:54am EST!

Shazbot! Maybe next draw, if we're lucky for one last draw.
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Fri 12:54am EST!

yea i won sent pm out been 3 days no reply


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Fri 12:54am EST!

Keep on pulling as long as you don't pull out one of Vanilla Bear's numbers out.


Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Fri 12:54am EST!

Keep on pulling as long as you don't pull out one of Vanilla Bear's numbers out.
Yes on pulling more numbers but not so much on shutting out Vanilla :)


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
Re: >>> Raffle Ticket RESULTS (AKA Winners thread)! Recent Drawing: Fri 12:54am EST!

Yes on pulling more numbers but not so much on shutting out Vanilla :)

I love him but you don't understand what a cheap fuck he is. He'd suck quarters out of a pig's ass if he knew they were in there. And nothing satisfies him either. If he wins a 1 month pass, he'll complain that he deserves a 3 month.