Rachel is 4 million times better than jayden. Rachel is seriously THE best pornstar ever. I wonder if shes a nice person in real life.
Not that I know her by any means, but judging by her posts on Freeones she seems very nice, and intelligent, in fact entirely to much brains to have an ass that nice:) J/K
Rachel is 4 million times better than jayden. Rachel is seriously THE best pornstar ever. I wonder if shes a nice person in real life.


Official Checked Star Member
♥ Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it ♥

sorry i have been absent from the boards guys, but i have a lot on my plate right now and it's all for the better! i just got to stay focused for all the good things coming my way.



Official Checked Star Member
some things just never stop...


just the same as being compared to Rachel Roxxx...


i guess if it keeps you entertained then so be it...

You ladies shouldn't fight! C'mon now.

Why don't the three of you kiss and make up

. . . for like an hour . . . naked . . . feel free to liberally touch each other anywhere . . . and tape the results for all of us to see.


. . .
Hey Rachel, I read in the ''R. Starr VS. R. Roxx'' thread that you like playing Rainbow Six: Vegas. What other games do you play?
Hi Rachel.

I really don't like the threads that compare one adult actress to another based on looks alone. We should compare it to something distinctive. Like best orgasm, or best ass(In which you have a huge advancement on anyone who tries to compete with you)

Sorry if you and Jayden are not friends, but I'm glad that it has not turned into any fistfights or legal battles.


Prince of the Rotten Milk