What is you anal rate?
If I were bangbros I would create a paypal account and allow the subscribers an option to pay the fee. I realize the subscribers already pay a monthly fee, but I would still give them an option. If the amount is met then you do anal, if its not met then bangbros does whatever they want with it or donates it to a charity the subscribers choose.
BangBros pays you your fee and in return provides the subscribers who paid the video/pics...I realize some subscribers will not contribute in paying your fee and yet they will still get to see the scene, but if your fans are willing to pay for it then who cares.
They could do something like that every month or so...for example, porn star whoever hasn’t done anal/dp/gb/ir/whatever "pay her fee and she will" I would say the fee being paid would have to be something never done or rarely done of coarse because people wouldn’t contribute to see straight sex.
This could also be done with stars who choose not to do hardcore…Bangbros approaches them and the star says $10,000 and I’ll do hardcore b/g porn…Bangbros lets its subscribers know and they can pitch in to make it happen.
In return for the subscriber paying the stars fee bangbros lets the subscribers choose what type of scene/clothing/acts/male performer etc… via a poll or something.
But what do you do if the pornstar pulls out of the deal and now all the donors want all their money back. Or what if it takes 2-3 years to get enough $ pooled together and people get impatient in the meantime and again want their $ back and cancel subscriptions. Could get tricky.
If she'd done lets say 10 anal scenes at a lower rate over the last year (but still higher than her normal b/g rate), then she'd have made WAY more $ than she will on that 1 magical anal payday she'll be forever waiting waiting for.
Who do you think has made more $ in their last 10 scenes: Rachel or Asa Akira (who now does everything under the sun, btw)? Altho I dont want Rachel getting anywhere near as crazy as Asa has gotten, but if the name of the game is money (and why shouldn't it be?) then eternally holding out for that 1 big payday will make you less $ than accepting a lot of slightly less big paydays one after another. Afterall, anal scenes do carry a higher pay rate than regular vag scenes.
I understand what she's trying to do, but 1 pornstar (even Rachel) can't make a difference and start getting these companies to start paying their fair share to these girls (which they should). I actually think its a noble effort, but I think the change has to come from the management companies 1st. If LA Direct and a couple of the other talent agencies started playing hardball with the porn companies, then I think that would make a big difference. But Rachel alone is unfortunately just another grain of sand on the beach to these companies. Meanwhile, if she could only make (lets say) 50% more per scene by doing anal, then thats still 50% more she wouldn't have made otherwise. How big could that 1 big anal payday she's holding out for be, compared to all the money she'd make with a string of anal scenes. I mean no matter what at the end of day she's still Rachel Fucking Starr and she'll still be making more for an anal scene than just about anyone else.
Also, it would be nice if she'd at least go condomless with selected male talent.