
The myth of artificial sweeteners and weight loss

Some experts are now exploring the possibility that artificial sweeteners confuse our taste buds and all those brain measures of satiety upon which we base what we eat. Specifically, Sharon P. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio have recently completed compilations of data that provided surprising results.

Fowler and her team studied more than 1500 people between the ages of 25 and 64, looking at whether each consumed regular or diet soft drinks. It was no surprise to find a correlation between the daily consumption of multiple cans of all soft drinks and obesity — which they did. But, as Fowler noted, “What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks; their risk of obesity was even higher” [than that of those drinking regular soft drinks]. In fact, Fowler found that for each can of diet soft drink consumed per day, the risk of obesity went up by 41%.

check out the links...

Aspartame: The Not-So-Sweet Facts About Aspartame

I think a big part of it is psychological too. We have all heard about the person that goes to KFC and orders a Double Down sandwich, large fries and a DIET if the coke was going to somehow blunt the effects of the tremendous amounts of fat, cholesterol and calories in the sandwich and fries. Or the person that drinks tons of DIET soda in place of regular soda with the idea that it's better for their health because it's DIET.
In addition to being insanely hot, I'd also have to say that Rachel is definitely one of the most healthy and fit looking porn stars I've ever seen. Her body is very lean and toned, and even her skin seems to have a healthy "glow" to it. It definitely shows that she takes good care of herself and works out often. It's always a pleasure viewing her pics and vids.

The myth of artificial sweeteners and weight loss

Some experts are now exploring the possibility that artificial sweeteners confuse our taste buds and all those brain measures of satiety upon which we base what we eat. Specifically, Sharon P. Fowler, MPH, and colleagues at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio have recently completed compilations of data that provided surprising results.

Fowler and her team studied more than 1500 people between the ages of 25 and 64, looking at whether each consumed regular or diet soft drinks. It was no surprise to find a correlation between the daily consumption of multiple cans of all soft drinks and obesity — which they did. But, as Fowler noted, “What was surprising was when we looked at people only drinking diet soft drinks; their risk of obesity was even higher” [than that of those drinking regular soft drinks]. In fact, Fowler found that for each can of diet soft drink consumed per day, the risk of obesity went up by 41%.

check out the links...

Aspartame: The Not-So-Sweet Facts About Aspartame

Oh Rachel I can't believe you actually talk on here! I love you and your movies!

Plus you are talkin health and I have learned so much in the past 4 years or so since I "woke up".

I absolutely love Dr. Mercola's website.
I have learned so much on all his articles on the site. Also his YouTube channel is awesome and so full of good stuff!

He even wrote a book on artificial sugars.

Well I am definitely going to talk on here more if Rachel Starr is actually on here! Love you Rachel!
With her natural brown eyes she looks even more stunning. The sexiest women on here. Lets hope she stays in the business for many more years