Queued points

I was wondering if anyone knew how long it takes for queued points to be accepted or rejected. I read that it depends on the activity of people who I refer but not sure if there is a time limit. I ask because I'd like to have one of the tops to wear on holiday later in the summer.

I've just noticed a similar thread but not sure that it answers my question.
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Yea I check every day to see if they were accepted.

Unless I'm mistaken, I assume it's a # of logins and possibly adding to women to your favorites.

Could be wrong, but I see some of my points were accepted.

The person joined:
2006-05-20 18:20:14

Than I got others that joined probably 3 weeks ago and they haven't been processed (the points)

So as I said, I imagine it's # of logins (Probably 10-20+), adding favorites (probably 5-10+) and possibly linking to the forum and/or participating in the forum.

That's my best guess. :wave: :wave:
yeh i am not sure if my points have been added either, i have made over 830 posts
That makes sense to me. My first referred member is 2006-04-30 and the points are still queued with another 17 making 3600 queued points! I was surprised that none have yet been rejected.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Soo.. general consensus is the point thing is what, really slow? A half-assed implementation? Or pretty awesome and half the members already have a coffee mug and Freeones Brand Coffee, pre-roasted in Sylvia Saint's...

..nah, I wont say it. lol
I'm now up to 7800 queued points with none as yet accepted, except the login and sign up ones, and none rejected. I think I'd prefer that they got rejected a bit quicker so that I stop dreaming about having a collection of shirts and undies :)


Retired Moderator
sexmadwife said:
I'm now up to 7800 queued points with none as yet accepted, except the login and sign up ones, and none rejected. I think I'd prefer that they got rejected a bit quicker so that I stop dreaming about having a collection of shirts and undies :)

One of the quickest way to answer questions about your points is:

" Who do I contact if I have a question about my points amount?
Send an email to
webmaster@freeones.com "
One of the quickest way to answer questions about your points is:

" Who do I contact if I have a question about my points amount?
Send an email to
webmaster@freeones.com "

A belated thanks for the advice. Here is the reply I got in case others were wondering what the answer was:

Hey Mia,

In order to get the point form reffering someone that person has to be active. So if they just login once and don’t do anythign else you will not get the points. This is due to people who referered lots of fake people (signing up themselves over and over again).

So as soon as your refererd friends starts to make use of the service you will get the points.

Hope this helps.

Best Regards,

I guess the people who I refer just sign up and then don't return (46 via my link so far). I would imagine no figures are put on it so that people setting up multiple accounts wouldn't know how long they'd have keep logging in to accumulate points. I've still got no rejected points so there's a chance that some of these people might be using their accounts.

Oh and thanks for the reply Roald.

PS just noticed the appropriate line written under my nickname - this site is intelligent
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The only things I don't like

The fact I have 24400 referred points still queued with none approved or rejected. I don't have a problem that they have not ben approved but maybe after a year of being queued they should get rejected. Obviously the people who joined via my link over a year ago are not going to use the site enough for me to get the points.

Also, some threads asking about favourite this and that can be a bit tiresome.

Apart from that it's a great site to stop by and waste some time after work.


Closed Account
Re: The only things I don't like

The fact I have 24400 referred points still queued with none approved or rejected. I don't have a problem that they have not ben approved but maybe after a year of being queued they should get rejected. Obviously the people who joined via my link over a year ago are not going to use the site enough for me to get the points.

Also, some threads asking about favourite this and that can be a bit tiresome.

Apart from that it's a great site to stop by and waste some time after work.

The solution is simple I think. :thumbsup:

Re: The only things I don't like

The fact I have 24400 referred points still queued with none approved or rejected. I don't have a problem that they have not ben approved but maybe after a year of being queued they should get rejected. Obviously the people who joined via my link over a year ago are not going to use the site enough for me to get the points.

Also, some threads asking about favourite this and that can be a bit tiresome.

Apart from that it's a great site to stop by and waste some time after work.

I agree, the "Favorite this and that" threads get tiresome, but a lot of times, those get started by newer members who don't search. Ah well, we spank them and tell them to search. Same goes for the "vs." threads and the "name 5/10/126 women you'd screw/date/tie up" threads, too.

Referred members and points

I'm interested to know how many people have got points from referring members. I have 28600 queued points none of which have been approved or rejected. I guess that says that I'm acting within the rules but the type of people I refer aren't really Freeones fans.

Anyway I made enough points to get my pants as you can see in my avtar :)


Closed Account
Re: Referred members and points

You have posted a thread before about this, the other time at least was in the right forum. Why do you want to come in here every once in awhile and just talk FreeOnes down? I don't get it. I glanced at a few of your other posts and seems your queued points are your only concern. If you or your people mentioned aren't really FreeOnes fans why are you here?


You received your panties in June after complaining so much and come back seven months later to show them off and complain again? :dunno:

I am sorry but I feel if you are having that much of a problem with this contacting the office or BNF to inquire would be better route to take.

Re: Referred members and points

You have posted a thread before about this, the other time at least was in the right forum. Why do you want to come in here every once in awhile and just talk FreeOnes down? I don't get it. I glanced at a few of your other posts and seems your queued points are your only concern. If you or your people mentioned aren't really FreeOnes fans why are you here?


You received your panties in June after complaining so much and come back seven months later to show them off and complain again? :dunno:

I am sorry but I feel if you are having that much of a problem with this contacting the office or BNF to inquire would be better route to take.


Apologies, if you feel this is a complaint; if you read it again you'll see that it isn't. It's just an attempt to gauge when approximately they get approved or rejected from people's experience. The question was not asking for an official response as I've already had such a response with which I'm happy and fully understand the need to be non-specific.

Therefore, this time I was not looking for an official response but just to see other people's experiences since things change rapidly with new people signing up all the time.

Finally, I was not sent the panties for complaining. Having looked over relevant posts I don't think any sound as though they are complaining.


Closed Account
Re: Referred members and points

Apologies, if you feel this is a complaint; if you read it again you'll see that it isn't. It's just an attempt to gauge when approximately they get approved or rejected from people's experience. The question was not asking for an official response as I've already had such a response with which I'm happy and fully understand the need to be non-specific.

Therefore, this time I was not looking for an official response but just to see other people's experiences since things change rapidly with new people signing up all the time.

Finally, I was not sent the panties for complaining. Having looked over relevant posts I don't think any sound as though they are complaining.

This (highlighted) was a misunderstanding on your part, I was simply saying you did receive them, not that you got them for complaining. lol Some things I just feel are better handled if the right people are asked.

Happy New Year. :glugglug:

Re: Referred members and points

This (highlighted) was a misunderstanding on your part, I was simply saying you did receive them, not that you got them for complaining. lol Some things I just feel are better handled if the right people are asked.

Happy New Year. :glugglug:


Exactly, my point you have taken my post in the wrong way; you have interpreted a genuine attempt at starting a discussion as a complaint. Rather than approach this as you have by talking about the fact I chose to wait six months to take a photo (did you really investigate me that closely? - it's spooky), why not relate your experiences of the topic? In fact, I'd imagine Freeones would be happy with publicity for referring rather than unhappy.

To be honest I was really trying to see if it was worth referring from other places as with the other sites where I refer to I've done most of what there is to do for points and prizes. Therefore it's a choice between expanding here or elsewhere. I like to make decisions, such as what links to put in signatures and profiles, which are informed by people's experiences. What's wrong with that. :confused:


Closed Account
Re: Referred members and points

Exactly, my point you have taken my post in the wrong way; you have interpreted a genuine attempt at starting a discussion as a complaint. Rather than approach this as you have by talking about the fact I chose to wait six months to take a photo (did you really investigate me that closely? - it's spooky), why not relate your experiences of the topic? In fact, I'd imagine Freeones would be happy with publicity for referring rather than unhappy.

To be honest I was really trying to see if it was worth referring from other places as with the other sites where I refer to I've done most of what there is to do for points and prizes. Therefore it's a choice between expanding here or elsewhere. I like to make decisions, such as what links to put in signatures and profiles, which are informed by people's experiences. What's wrong with that. :confused:

Seeing dates and adding doesn't take investigation. I remember what I've read in the past, is that a fault? Especially nicks, I haven't investigated you at all, lmao. I have in fact seen you though on other boards in the past years several times. You can do as you please of course, link away. I already said what I wanted. My point was only all your negative comments about FreeOnes. Also starting several threads on the same subject "Where are my points?" that your questions would probably be best answered by contacting them or BNF. IMHO only sage advice.

You speak of FreeOnes as a cash cow for you (prizes/links) and a place to post after work when you're bored. I see it as a great community with good friends and fun. I guess that's how it got my attention and the fact I don't see you post here except for that. No big deal and I won't darken your door again.
:glugglug: Have a great 2008 friend.
