
I remember seeing once a scene with Briana Banks in whick she licked cum off a couch or a table maybe while being gangbanged. Does anybody know what scene that is? If it exists and my memory doesn't play tricks on me... Thank you

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I believe that was a deleted scene in My Cousin Vinny.
i asked a legitimate question, if you cannot give me a straight answer, then maybe you should not give one at all

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Why so serious, son? :batman:


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
C'mon he just jolned the board and you have to greet him like that? You're mean ^^

I will look and see if I find an answer for you laak :)

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
C'mon he just jolned the board and you have to greet him like that? You're mean ^^

I will look and see if I find an answer for you laak :)

Am I cordial to anyone? :thefinger

He can use Google just like the rest of us. He's lucky that I didn't post a certain citrusy link in response. Then he would have really been scared away...
I used google, found nothing. I'm not even gonna read your posts from now on. I know your type. The friendless type, that tries to seem superior or manly online where nobody can see you. Get out of your mother's basement, dude.

Supadupafly, thank you


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Hey Ry,

I was a lot angrier,too, back when I was in my twenties. You will grow out of it, I hope.
Its how they orginally got the charges dropped on Ralph Macchio.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
I used google, found nothing. I'm not even gonna read your posts from now on. I know your type. The friendless type, that tries to seem superior or manly online where nobody can see you. Get out of your mother's basement, dude.

Supadupafly, thank you

Dude you really need to chill. You think ARy's bad? Ya ain't seen shit yet. He's just fuckin with ya. Grow a sense of humor or you'll just be miserable around here.:2 cents:


Yippee-ki-yay, motherfucker!
I used google, found nothing. I'm not even gonna read your posts from now on. I know your type. The friendless type, that tries to seem superior or manly online where nobody can see you. Get out of your mother's basement, dude.

Supadupafly, thank you


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
I used google, found nothing.
Try harder next time.
laak; said:
I'm not even gonna read your posts from now on.
Good, put me on your ignore list.
laak; said:
I know your type. The friendless type, that tries to seem superior or manly online where nobody can see you.
I don't try to appear superior. I am superior. It just shows through, that's how you noticed. I'm able to use search function and find what I'm looking for. You should aspire to be me.
laak; said:
Get out of your mother's basement, dude.
I wish I did still live in that basement. Fewer bills, free rent, and good country cooking. Man, those were the days. Unfortunately, she lives four states away now. :(