Question For the Users


Have any of you got busted from a public library for printing naked photos or going to porn sites? How did you learn from your mistake?


If you live in New York City during the Budget Crisis like me, well good for you :spin: because you can print any crap (including porn pics) you want. But make sure of your hidden talents so nobody will see it! Those who don't, well too fuckin' bad.
Never have visited pornsites on the library. Just read e-mail, but those annoying porn spams can get annoying and one kinda hopes that no one sees over the shoulder and actually thinks I'm porn surfing at the library, when I'm just deleting porn spam from my e-mail inboxes. ;)

The porn surfing I do at my own home in privacy, not something I do in public, especially as I'm only limited to one hours use of the library computers. Better use it for more important stuff instead, like checking e-mail and reading the news. :)
Why on earth would a person be printing porn pics and surfing porn at a library?! :eek: I could see a desperate homeless person doing it for jollies since he/she has no internet access in the cardboard box in which they "reside," but come on! lol

I cannot believe I am even replying to this question.... 'nuff said.
Precisely. Something tells me there's more to this than meets the eye... Only a homeless person or a juvenile/minor who's really horny and afraid of looking at home on Mom and Dad's computer would go surfing porn on the library's computers. LOL

cloud20_2001 said:
Never have been desperate enough to look at porn at a library. I can do that at home.


Closed Account
That would be a really dumb thing to do...avoid at all costs
Hmmm, as stimulating as a library can be (?), I tend to get down to business at home....on my own computer.....where little kids aren't wandering around....
Agree.Not the ideal place to watch porn

foxycougar said:
Hmmm, as stimulating as a library can be (?), I tend to get down to business at home....on my own computer.....where little kids aren't wandering around....


Closed Account
no, i have a computer
I never have or will. This sort of behavior disturbs me. It is a public place where minors and children may hang out. I was once in a library where I noticed a person lookin up child porn. It disgusted me and I had him busted, but even if it was regular porn I'd bust em too. If not all, most adults and pornstars would also disagree with this behavior. Don't do it anymore, consider it not only advice, but a civic responsibility. Got it?