I know you asked the girls - but I'll jump in as a producer (and male talent) here and hopefully help.
Performing on camera is a bit different than just fucking some girl in your dorm room as your buddies watch tv.
First, the producer typically has a few thousand dollars invested in your performance - no show, no erection, premature cumshot,
no cumshot all go through your mind before and during a shoot - if this kind of pressure bothers you, then it's real hard to get a good shoot.
Second, the girl you are working with may not like something about you - happens to all of us. If your ability to perform requires the approval of the one you are working with, then try a different sport.
Third, Directors love to tease newbees - it's how we filter out the wannabees from the gonnabees. Get over it and do your job.
Fourth, there will be other men on the set, sometime inches from your balls, sometimes holding on to your shoulder trying to hold a camera and not fall off the bed, sometimes hitting on you. If you're homophobic, good luck in this business. That doesn't mean you have to be gay or do gay porn, but one of my camera guys is a queer little fuck and you would be then same kind of fresh meat to him that Alisa is to me. If you are comfortable with yourself, it goes a long way on set.
Fifth, The pay sucks for men. So either you suck for more pay (then I would never use you) or you learn to edit, market, produce etc. to make ends meet.
You mean it's only guys that don't show up? Do you want me to start telling all the whore stories I've lived through?
Learn other skills that are useful in the industry. Learn to run a camera WELL. Learn how to market porn (and yourself), learn how to edit video, lease sets, clean floors, do makeup or hair for the girls.
Sadly, many of the guys doing porn are just three braincells short of being retarded so they opt for the "in my butt" option.
Don't give directions to someone if you've never been there. :2 cents:
(that's why I didn't tell you to go to hell - I haven't been there........ yet!)
Because of the high rate of failure, I no longer audition male talent. It's not that I don't need new guys, it's that so few of us can truly get a hard-on, whip it out and parade around the strip club pointing it the manager and saying "look at what that crazy bitch did to me" (For some strange reason, I'm not allowed in that club any more.
So - to get started, hook up with a girl in the business, or one that wants to be in the business (see above girls posts), stop by my place and fuck the shit out of her on my kitchen table while I fix breakfast for the crew.
If you can keep a boner while I'm teasing you about your hairy ass, telling you you're doing it all wrong, tickling your toes (because I can), having you balance on one leg while fucking her in the pile-driver position so I can get the perfect camera angle, keep it hard while we take a ten minute break because her period started and she needs to put in a sponge, fuck her for 27.5 more minutes and then cum, exactly when and where I tell you to - all without falling off my breakfast table, or spilling my coffee, then I'll hire you for a few shoots.
Oh - one more thing. No fucking gang, hate or racist tattoos or working for me is a no-go.