Quayle’s son: Obama is the ‘worst president in history’

And Arizona will elect this idiot Jr....why? Because Arizonans are fucking stupid. Sorry FOs Arizona membs. but the facts are the facts...and you will most certainly prove this true but putting this imbecile into a g'ment office...even though he's clueless as demonstrated by this dumb ad.

Is President Obama the "worst president in history"? That's what the son of former Vice President Dan Quayle claims in a new TV ad aimed at boosting his congressional bid in Arizona.

Ben Quayle, running for the GOP nomination in the state's 3rd Congressional District, speaks directly to the camera in the spot, which began airing in the Phoenix area Wednesday. "Barack Obama is the worst president in history," Quayle says in the ad's opening seconds. Because of Obama, the 33-year-old says, "my generation will inherit a weakened country."

Citing "drug cartels in Mexico" and "tax cartels in D.C.," Quayle asks, "What's happened to America?" He goes on to ask voters to send him to Congress. "I love Arizona. I was raised right," he says. "Somebody has to go to Washington and knock the hell out of the place." You can watch the ad after the jump.
Cuntinued at link....
Yeah, we are gonna listen to the son of a guy that makes Bush look like Steven Hawking. If someone with just a wee bit more credibility came forth with this I would be more inclined to take him seriously. Besides, worst in history is stretching it. Hell, it isn't even applicable here. Obama is far, far, way far from the best President in US history, but if you compare him to the ass-hats that knew that the country was on brink of a civil war yet chose to do nothing, his star shines a bit brighter. Also, so long as that lackadaisical ass clown Hoover remains in the history books, nothing Obama can do(short of blowing up half the country for shits and giggles) will render him the worst president ever. At least he is doing SOMETHING.
While I'm no fan of Barrack Hussein Obama, I do think it's fair to give the guy until his four year term is over and then make decisions as to where he stands versus the other presidents. :rolleyes:

He may not even be the worst president in my lifetime. Jimmy Carter currently has a strangle hold on that honor.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Just for the record, we don't claim Dan Quayle. In fact, we voted him off, Survivor style. That's why he lives in Arizona now. His son wouldn't be elected hall monitor in Indiana.

Complete and utter ownage:

Cuntinued at link....
I see what you did there. This kid might be a bigger douche than his father. And that's saying something...


Staff member
the beginning of his term has been mediocre, the rest will be worse, I am sure of it.
It all depends. I mean, if he succeeds in cutting America's free market system at the knees, I'm sure all liberals will consider him to be the greatest, even if that makes unemployment skyrocket and the economy collapse. Liberals don't care about people, they care about their agenda.
2 years ago, people said Bush was the worst president in History. Now, some says it's Obama. I guess by 2014 they will say the guy who will succeed to Obama is the worst.
Except if Obama is re-elected.
And particulary if Sarah Palin is elected.


It all depends. I mean, if he succeeds in cutting America's free market system at the knees, I'm sure all liberals will consider him to be the greatest, even if that makes unemployment skyrocket and the economy collapse. Liberals don't care about people, they care about their agenda.

Right, conservatives just care SOOOOOOOO much about people that they have been holding up the extension of unemployment benefits why exactly? Is it because as more then one conservative Republican has bleated, "unemployment benefits give people a disincentive to go out and look for work, therefore they should be cut off."

Yup, that sure is caring about the people and humanity in general.
i woulda thought nixon, grant, or harding would get the bill for their corruption levels...or perhaps andrew jackson for seeking to eliminate every man, woman, and child of our native population


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
2 years ago, people said Bush was the worst president in History. Now, some says it's Obama. I guess by 2014 they will say the guy who will succeed to Obama is the worst.
Except if Obama is re-elected.
And particulary if Sarah Palin is elected.

If Sarah Palin is elect we'd better run for hills. She has NO FUCKING CLUE .. yes she is good a putting sound bites and really the far extreme right. But her true lack knowledge of history and our gov't works is scary.

Ace Bandage

The one and only.
Quayle could have turned that one around. All he would have had to say to the old geezer was "Gee, I guess it's a good thing I didn't compare myself to your good friends George Washington or Abraham Lincoln either then..."

Yes, he could have turned it around. Of course that would have required him to possess higher mental faculties than lake trout. Clearly, he didn't. Even deceased trout can spell potato.
If Sarah Palin is elect we'd better run for hills. She has NO FUCKING CLUE .. yes she is good a putting sound bites and really the far extreme right. But her true lack knowledge of history and our gov't works is scary.

She reminds me of Peggy Hill from King of the Hill.
If she was elected, that would be it for me. I would become a citizen elsewhere.
She seems to just want the attention. I hate to say but I have to put some of the blame onto McCain for bringing her into national attention as a running mate. I believe she got "the bug". Now she craves that widespread attention, as opposed to just of Alaska.