Prophecy's Natural Big Tits Directory

Reference post:

Tammy | Tami | Tammie | Sandra | Tatjana | Tiana (other)

Lexi Windsor (other)

Darla Crane (M)

Jasmine Grey (B)

Kelly Kay (B)
(Boobpedia confuses bust measurement and band size, so I calculated the 42F down to 36F using the known method.)


Reference post:

Angelina Vallery | Angelina Vallem (B)

Barbara (other)

Debora Caprioglio | Debora Kinski (B)
(Calculated from 38DD using the known method)

Lora Patrick | Laura Fairchild (B)
(calculated from 40DD using the known method)

Deanna Baldwin (other)


Prophecy's Natural Big Tits Directory

This directory does not claim to be complete or official. It highly depends on your co-operation, because we need something like "official" references that "prove" the breast size of a model. As I only can post five outgoing links per post and day, you are invited to post links which I can use as a reference.

Today's update: New models added. Split into fifteen posts.

- No silicone!
- No cups smaller than D!
- This is not a gallery posting thread!

  1. Make sure that you scroll down the thread to have the latest version!
  2. All links will open in the same window.
  3. Entries added since the last update are marked with NEW!.


Example entry:
[name with link to thread]: [US bra size] ([European bra size]) [number of nipple piercings] [reference link]

Reference links (in order of importance):
M model's own page
Sed model's sedcard
W Wikipedia
B Boobpedia
LBB Lana's Big Boobs
other other page

Ordered by Name: A-C

▪ Ada C.: see Ada Costa
NEW! Ada Costa | Ada C. | Princess Adina | Adelina | Sandra: 34D (75D) 0 B
▪ Adelina: see Ada Costa
NEW! Africa | Africa Sexxx: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
▪ Africa Sexxx: see Africa
NEW! Aiwe | Katty | Eva | Carolina | Karoline King | Verena | Aneta Heart: 34D (75D) 0 B
Ala Passtel | Lucy C. | Gabriela Saint | Gabrielle | Gabriella Hunter: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Alanna Ackerman: 34E (75E) 0 B
Alessandra Derya: 38I (85I) 0 LBB
Alexandra Moore: 36H (80H) 0 M
Alexis May: 34E (75E) 0 B
▪ Alicja Passtel: see Ala Passtel
▪ Alinka: see Busty Alli
▪ Alisa West: see Alyssa West
▪ Alli: see Busty Alli
▪ Alotta Boobs: see Zuzanna
Alvina | Mimi: 36E (80E) 0 other
Alyssa West | Alisa West: 36E (80E) 0 B
▪ Amanda: see Busty Alli
Ana: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
▪ Anastasia de Vine: see Anastazie
▪ Anastasia Devine: see Anastazie
Anastazie | Anastasia de Vine | Anastasia Devine: 36E (80E) 0 other
Aneta Buena: 34H (75H) 0 other
▪ Aneta Heart: see Aiwe
Angela White: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
▪ Angelina Vallem: see Angelina Vallery
NEW! Angelina Vallery | Angelina Vallem: 38F (85F) 0 B
▪ Anita: see Anna Song
Ann Vanderbilt: 38J (85J) 0 other
Anna Jota: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Anna Ohura | Anna Oura | 大浦あんな: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
▪ Anna Oura: see Anna Ohura
▪ Anna Semenovic: see Anna Semenovich
Anna Semenovich | Anna Semenovic | Анна Семенович | Аня Семенович: 34E (75E) 0 M
Anna Song | Anita | Tina: 32H (70H) 0 other
Annemarie: 34D (75D) 0 other
Annette Christianson: 36E (80E) 0 other
Annie Swanson: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
Anya Sakova | Merilyn Sakova | Merilyn Sekova | Anya Zenkova | Busty Merilyn: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
▪ Anya Zenkova: see Anya Sakova
▪ April Juggs: see April McKenzie
April McKenzie | April Juggs: 36H (80H) 0 M
▪ Ariel Jordan: see Cassandra Calogera
Arlene Bell | Tina Andrea: 36E (80E) 0 B
▪ Arwyn: see Simi
Ashley | Dream of Ashley | Dreamofashley: 32I (70I) 0 M
Ashley | In Bed with Ashley | Inbedwithashley: 34E (75E) 0 M
Ashley Juggs: 38E (85E) 0 B
Audra Mitchell: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Autumn Jade: 34I (75I) 0 LBB

NEW! Barbara: 34E (75E) 0 other
Barbara Baines: 34D (75D) 0 B
Barbara Schöneberger: 36D (80D) 0 other
Bea Flora: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
▪ Beatrix K.: see Lucy Love
Bettie Ballhaus: 32E (70E) 0 M
Bianca Bloom: 38K (85K) 0 LBB
▪ Bianca Jordan: see Constance Devil
▪ Bianka : see Sonia
NEW! Blondie: 38F (85F) 0 B
NEW! Bonnie Banks: 38E (85E) 0 B
▪ Boobsdonna: see Petra Lovka
Bozena | Ester | Tiffany Treasures: 38G (85G) 0 LBB, B
▪ Brandy Talore: see Brandy Taylor
Brandy Taylor | Brandy Talore: 36F (80F) 0 M
Brianna Bragg: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Brianna Costello: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Brittany | Brittany's Bod: 36E (80E) 0 M
Brooke Banner: 34D (75D) 0 M
▪ Busty Ariel: see Cassandra Calogera
Busty Christy | Christy: 36D (80D) 0 M
▪ Busty Hailey: see Haley Crush
▪ Busty Merilyn: see Anya Sakova
Busty Alli | Alinka | Amanda | Alli: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Nastya | Nastya: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Tina | Tina: 36E (80E) 0 other

Camille Morgan: 34E (75E) 0 other
Candace Von: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
▪ Candy: see Katerina Konec
Candy Cole | Kandy Cole: 34E (75E) 2 LBB
▪ Carley Kaleb: see Carly Kaleb
▪ Carly Kale: see Carly Kaleb
Carly Kaleb | Carly Kale | Carley Kaleb | Lizzie: 34E (75E) 0 B
Carmella Crush: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Carmen Bolivar: 34E (75E) 0 other
Carmen Hayes: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
▪ Carolina: see Aiwe
Cassandra: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Cassandra Calogera | Ariel Jordan | Busty Ariel: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
▪ Cecilia: see Markéta Pechová
Chaka T: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Charlotte | Roxanne Kedge | Charlotte Lavey | Katerina: 34E (75E) 0 other
▪ Charlotte Lavey: see Charlotte
Chavon Taylor: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Chaz: 38H (85H) 0 LBB
▪ Chelsea: see Haley Crush
Cheron: 32K (70K) 0 other
▪ Cheyenne: see Markéta Pechová
▪ Chiquita: see Markéta Pechová
Chloe Veria: 36F (80F) 0 M
Chloe Vevrier: 36H (80H) 0 W
▪ Chrissi: see Christiane
Christiane | Chrissi: 38G (85G) 0 other
▪ Christy: see Busty Christy
Christy Marks | Jerri Monet: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
▪ Cikita: see Markéta Pechová
Cindy Milley: 30H (65H) 0 M
▪ Claudia Sweet: see Kristi Love
Constance Devil | Bianca Jordan | Katty Black | Jana Pro | Jana Polnicka | Sylvie Dreams: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
▪ Cora: see Lucy Love
Courtney Cruz: 34D (75D) 0 M
▪ Crisa: see Tasty Crisa
Ctexsins Chelle: 34G (75G) 2 other
Cynthia Romero | Susan: 34E (75E) 0 LBB

Ordered by Name: D-K

Daisy van Heyden: 34D (75D) 0 other
Dana Benn: 36E (80E) 0 other
Danica Collins | Donna Ambrose: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Danielle Riley: 34F (75F) 0 B
Danni Ashe: 32G (70G) 0 W
Dannie Nesh: 34F (75F) 0 other
NEW! Darla Crane: 36E (80E) 0 M
Davina Armstrong: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Dawn Allison | Dawn's Place: 32F (70F) 0 M
▪ Dawn's Place: see Dawn Allison
NEW! Deanna Baldwin: 36D (80D) 0 other
▪ Debbie: see Natasha
NEW! Debora Caprioglio | Debora Kinski: 34E (75E) 0 B
▪ Debora Kinski: see Debora Caprioglio
▪ Dee: see Pure Dee
Delotta Brown: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Denise: 34E (75E) 0 other
NEW! Desirae: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
▪ Desire Monet: see Isabell Lane
Devon Daniels: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Diane Poppos: 34H (75H) 0 M
NEW! Dirty Lilly | Lilly: 32E (70E) 0 other
Dominno: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
▪ Donna Ambrose: see Danica Collins
▪ Dream of Ashley | Dreamofashley: see Ashley (Dream of Ashley)

Eden | Eden 38DD: 38E (85E) 0 M
Eden Mor: 36I (80I) 0 M
Edit Gulyás | Edo: 34E (75E) 0 other
▪ Edo: see Edit Gulyás
▪ Effi Buster: see Effie Balconi
▪ Effi Flimmers: see Effie Balconi
Effie Balconi | Effie Marconi | Effie Dubois | Effi Buster | Effi Flimmers | Effie Mota | Steffi | Suzie: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
▪ Effie Dubois: see Effie Balconi
▪ Effie Marconi: see Effie Balconi
▪ Effie Mota: see Effie Balconi
Emilia Boshe: 36I (80I) 0 LBB
Emilianna: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Emma T: see Emma Twigg
▪ Emma Townsend: see Emma Twigg
Emma Twigg | Emma Townsend | Emma T | Erica | Erika I.: 36E (80E) 0 other
▪ Erica: see Emma Twigg or Erika Vution
▪ Erika I.: see Emma Twigg
Erika Vution | Erica: 36D (80D) 2 other
▪ Ester: see Bozena
Esther Baxter: 34F (75F) 0 W
▪ Eva: see Aiwe
▪ Eva Wyrwal: see Iga A
▪ Eve: see Iga A
Ewa Sonnet: 32F (70F) 0 other
▪ Ewa Wyrwał: see Iga A

Faith | In Bed with Faith | Inbedwithfaith: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Fiona Steels: 36E (80E) 0 other
Fleur Rose: 34E (75E) 0 B

▪ Gabriela Saint: see Ala Passtel
▪ Gabriella Hunter: see Ala Passtel
▪ Gabriella L.: see Nikita Valentin
Gabriella Michaels: 38F (85F) 0 B
▪ Gabriella Tchekan: see Nikita Valentin
▪ Gabrielle: see Ala Passtel
Gia LaShay: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Gianna Michaels: 34E (75E) 0 W
▪ Gillian: see Lucie Mina
Greta Istvandi | Suzy: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Gwenyth: see Sheila Grant

▪ Hailie: see Haley Crush
Haley Crush | Hailie | Busty Hailey | Chelsea: 34E (75E) 0 other
Hannah Hilton: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
NEW! Harmony Heart: 36F (80F) 0 Sed
Hazmat: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
▪ Heather: see Jessica Camery
Hilton la Vega: 32G (70G) 0 other

Iga A | Eva Wyrwal | Eve | Ewa Wyrwał: 34E (75E) 0 B
▪ Imola: see Katerina Konec
▪ In Bed with Ashley | Inbedwithashely: see Ashley (In Bed with Ashley)
▪ In Bed with Faith | Inbedwithfaith: see Faith
Ines Cudna: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Isabell Lane | Desire Monet: 40F (90F) 0 LBB
Iva Kleinova | Mandy May: 34F (75F) 0 LBB

Jacquelin: 34E (75E) 0 other
▪ Jaden: see Jayden
Jaime Hammer: 32D (70D) 0 M
Jamie Lynn: 34D (75D) 0 M
▪ Jana Defi: See Maria Swan
▪ Jana Polnicka: see Constance Devil
▪ Jana Pro: see Constance Devil
Janet Jade: 38F (85F) 0 other
Jasmin Sky | Jasmine Sky: 36F (80F) 0 B
▪ Jasmine B.: see Jasmine Black
NEW! Jasmine Black | Jasmine B. | Jasmyne: 34E (75E) 0 B
NEW! Jasmine Grey: 34D (75D) 0 B
▪ Jasmine Sky: see Jasmin Sky
▪ Jasmyne: see Jasmine Black
Jayden | Jaden: 34E (75E) 0 other
Jenna Doll: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jennique | Jennis: 34E (75E) 2 Sed
▪ Jennis: see Jennique
▪ Jerri Monet: see Christy Marks
Jessica Camery | Heather: 36D (80D) 0 Sed
Jessica Lords: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Jessica Moore | Rebecca Smith: 34E (75E) 0 other
▪ Joana: see Joanna
Joanna | Joana: 36F (80F) 0 other
NEW! Jordan Hart: 34E (75E) 0 B
NEW! Jordan Kingsley: 36D (80D) 0 M

▪ Kacie: see Katerina Konec
▪ Kandy Cole: see Candy Cole
▪ Karen MacGregor: see Kathryn MacGregor
▪ Karen McGregor: see Kathryn MacGregor
Karina Hart: 34F (75F) 0 other
▪ Karoline King: see Aiwe
▪ Katalina: see Lily Valentine
▪ Katarina: see Katerina Hartlova
Kate Bona: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
▪ Kate K.: see Katerina Konec
▪ Katerina: see Charlotte
Katerina Hartlova | Katrin Kozy | Kathy Kozy | Katarina | Snow: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Katerina Konec | Kathryn McIntyre | Kate K. | Katka | Kacie | Candy | Imola: 34E (75E) 0 B
Kathryn MacGregor | Kathryn McGregor | Karen MacGregor | Karen McGregor: 36F (80F) 0 M
▪ Kathryn McGregor: see Kathryn MacGregor
▪ Kathryn McIntyre: see Katerina Konec
▪ Kathy Kozy: see Katerina Hartlova
▪ Katka: see Katerina Konec
▪ Katrin Kozy: see Katerina Hartlova
▪ Katrin M.: see Lucie Mina
▪ Katty: see Aiwe
▪ Katty Black: see Constance Devil
Keama Kim: 38F (85F) 2 other
NEW! Kelly Kay: 36F (80F) 0 B
Kelly Madison: 34G (75G) 0 M
Kerry Marie: 34I (75I) 0 other
Kiki Kakuchi | Laina: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Kira | Little Redhead | Littleredhead: 36D (80D) 0 B
Kira Eggers: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Klenot: see Kristi Love
▪ Krissy: see Sweet Krissy
▪ Kristi Klenot: see Kristi Love
▪ Kristin M: see Lucie Mina
▪ Kristy Love: see Kristi Love
Kristi Love | Kristy Love | Kristi Klenot | Klenot | Claudia Sweet: 36D (80D) 0 B
▪ Krystina: see Lucie Mina

Ordered by Name: L-O

▪ Laina: see Kiki Kakuchi
▪ Laura Fairchild: see Lora Patrick
▪ Laura M: see Laura Orsolya
Laura Orsolya | Laura M | Orsolya: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
▪ Lea: see Terry Nova
▪ Leah: see XoXoLeah
Lena Foxx: 34D (75D) 0 M
Lera: 32G (70G) 0 other
Leslie Styles | Rachel Linda: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
NEW! Lexi Windsor: 36E (80E) 0 other
▪ Liana Smiss: see Petra Lovka
▪ Lilly: see Dirty Lilly
Lily Valentine | Katalina: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Lisa: 36G (80G) 0 other
▪ Lisa: see Lucy Love
NEW! Lisa Anne: 34F (75F) 0 Sed
▪ Little Redhead | Littleredhead: see Kira
▪ Liz: see Lizzie Goldsmith
▪ Lizzie: see Carly Kaleb
Lizzie Goldsmith | Liz: 32F (70F) 0 B
Lola Lane: 36F (80F) 0 B
London Andrews: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
NEW! Lora Patrick | Laura Fairchild: 36E (80E) 0 B
Lorna Morgan: 34I (75I) 0 LBB
NEW! Love4dream: 34E (75E) 0 B
Lovely Vanessa | Vanessa B: 34E (75E) 0 M, other
▪ Luba Hegre: see Luba Shumeyko
Luba Love | Trixi | Natasha Rostova | Lubov Zaryanskaya | Наташа Ростова | Любовь Зарянская: 34D (75D) 0 other
Luba Shumeyko | Luba Hegre | Люба Шумейко: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Lubov Zaryanskaya: see Luba Love
▪ Luci: see Lucy Love
Lucie Mina | Kristin M | Miriam | Krystina | Lucy | Gillian | Katrin M.: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Lucy: see Lucie Mina
▪ Lucy B.: see Lucy Love
▪ Lucy C.: see Ala Passtel
Lucy Love | Lucy B. | Lucy Lovelle | Luci | Ute | Cora | Beatrix K. | Lisa: 36D (80D) 0 LBB
▪ Lucy Lovelle: see Lucy Love
Lucy Pinder: 32G (70G) 0 M

Madleina | Peggy Sue: 34H (75H) 0 Sed, other
▪ Magdalene: see Markéta Pechová
Maggie Green: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Mai Ly | Mai Ly Mao: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
▪ Mai Ly Mao: see Mai Ly
Mandi Collins: 32E (70E) 0 M
▪ Mandy May: see Iva Kleinova
Marcela: 34E (75E) 0 other
Maria Moore: 36I (80I) 0 B
Maria Swan | Jana Defi | Princessa: 32G (70G) 0 W
Mariah Lynn: 36F (80F) 0 other
Maritza: 38D (85D) 0 M
Marketa | Markita | Wendy White | Wendi White | Menteka: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Markéta Pechová | Cikita | Tchikita | Chiquita | Cheyenne | Cecilia | Magdalene: 34E (75E) 0 other
▪ Markita: see Marketa
Marina Matsushima | 松嶋まりな: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
▪ Martina: see Nikita Valentin
▪ Medina: see Nikki King
NEW! Melanie Addison: 34G (75G) 0 other
Melissa Mandlikova | Pamela | Pam | Stefinka: 34G (75G) 0 other
NEW! Mellie D.: 32G (70G) 0 M
▪ Menteka: see Marketa
▪ Merilyn Sakova: see Anya Sakova
▪ Merilyn Sekova: see Anya Sakova
▪ Micha: see Petra Mis
▪ Michaela: see Petra Mis or Rachel B
Michelle Bond | Michelle Monaghan | Michelle Wilson: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
▪ Michelle Monaghan: see MichElle Bond
Michelle Willings: 34E (75E) 0 B
▪ Michelle Wilson: see MichElle Bond
▪ Mickey: see Micky
Micky | Mickey: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Milena Velba: 36J (80J) 0 M
▪ Milly Morris: see Monika Teruova
▪ Mimi: see Alvina
Miosotis: 38K (85K) 0 M
▪ Miriam: see Lucie Mina
Miriam Gonzalez: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
▪ Misa: see Rachel B
Monica Mendez | Monica Rios | Tabitha: 36D (80D) 0 B
▪ Monica Rios: see Monica Mendez
Monika Teruova | Milly Morris: 32E (70E) 0 LBB

Nadine Jansen: 38H (85H) 0 M
▪ Nancy Lane: see Renata Daninsky
▪ Nastya: see Busty Nastya
▪ Nata: see Natasha
Natalia Sokolova | Наталья Соколова: 34D (75D) 0 W
Natalie Fiore: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Natasha | Nata | Nina | Debbie | Susan: 34F (75F) 0 other
Natasha Nelson: 36I (80I) 0 B
Natasha Nice: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
▪ Natasha Rostova: see Luba Love
▪ Nejla, the Arabian Treasure Chest: see Nikki King
▪ Next Door Nikki | Nextdoornikki: see Nikki Sims
Nicole Peters: 32J (70J) 0 M
Niki Castro: 36I (80I) 0 other
NEW! Nikita Valentin | Gabriella Tchekan | Gabriella L. | Martina | Simone: 34E (75E) 0 B
Nikkala Stott: 32E (70E) 0 W
Nikki King | Nejla, the Arabian Treasure Chest | Medina: 36H (80H) 0 B
Nikki Sims | Next Door Nikki | Nextdoornikki: 34E (75E) 2 M
▪ Nina: see Natasha

NEW! Olivia: 36E (80E) 0 other
▪ Olivia: see Simi
▪ Orei Harada: see Ourei Harada
▪ Orsolya: see Laura Orsolya
Ourei Harada | Orei Harada | 原田 桜怜: 38J (85J) 0 W

Ordered by Name: P-Z

▪ Pam: see Melissa Mandlikova
▪ Pamela: see Melissa Mandlikova
Pandora Dreams: 34E (75E) 0 B
Paola Rios: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
▪ Paolina: see Petra Mis
Paris Milan: 32G (70G) 0 other
Patricia Farinelli | Patti Farinelli: 36F (80F) 0 W
▪ Patti Farinelli: see Patricia Farinelli
▪ Peach: see Renata Daninsky
▪ Peggy Sue: see Madleina
▪ Perla: see Simi
Petra Lovka | Liana Smiss | Boobsdonna | Visim: 36F (80F) 0 M
Petra Mis | Paolina | Michaela | Micha: 36E (80E) 0 B
Petra Verkaik: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Pixie | Pixie's Pillows: 34E (75E) 0 M
▪ Princess Adina: see Ada Costa
▪ Princessa: See Maria Swan
Pure Dee | Dee: 34D (75D) 0 B

Rachel Aldana: 32K (70K) 0 LBB
Rachel Aziani: 34E (75E) 0 M
Rachel B | Michaela | Misa: 34F (75F) 0 other
▪ Raylene Richards: see Zuzana Drabinova
▪ Rebecca Smith: see Jessica Moore
▪ Renata Danínská: see Renata Daninsky
Renata Daninsky | Peach | Renata Haberlova | Nancy Lane | Renata Danínská: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
▪ Renata Haberlova: see Renata Daninsky
Rimma Agafoshina | Римма Агафошина: 32E (70E) 0 M, W
Roberta Pedon: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Romina Lopez: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
▪ Roxanne Kedge: see Charlotte
Rucca Page: 34D (75D) 0 B

Sabina Leigh: 34H (75H) 0 M
Samantha Anderson: 38G (85G) 0 M
Sammie Rhodes: 32D (70D) 0 W
▪ Sandra: see Ada Costa or Tammy
Sara Nice | Sarah Nice: 32D (70D) 0 other
Sara Stone: 36E (80E) 0 M
Sarah 36G: 36G (80G) 0 other
Sarah Mercury: 38K (85K) 0 M
▪ Sarah Nice: see Sara Nice
Sayuri | さゆり: 36I (80I) 0 other
Seraya Jones: 36E (80E) 0 other
▪ Serena Leonidas: see Zuzanna
Shanti: 36F (80F) 0 B
Sharday: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Shay Laren: 36D (80D) 0 M
NEW! Sheila Grant | Gwenyth: 36D (80D) 0 other
Shiva Shaw: 36G (80G) 0 M
▪ Sidney Moons: see Sydney Moon
Sierra: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Simi | Arwyn | Olivia | Valery | Perla: 34D (75D) 0 other
▪ Simone: see Nikita Valentin
Simone Staxxx: 40G (90G) 0 M
▪ Snow: see Katerina Hartlova
Sonia | Bianka: 34F (75F) 0 M
Sonia Blake: 34G (75G) 0 other
▪ Steffi: see Effie Balconi
▪ Stefinka: see Melissa Mandlikova
Sunny Wagner: 36F (80F) 0 other
▪ Susan: see Cynthia Romero or Natasha
▪ Suzie: see Effie Balconi
▪ Suzy: see Greta Istvandi
Sweet Krissy | Krissy: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Sydney Moon | Sidney Moons: 34D (75D) 0 M
Sydney Simona: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
▪ Sylvie Dreams: see Constance Devil

▪ Tabitha: see Monica Mendez
Talya Faust: 36E (80E) 0 other
▪ Tami: see Tammy
▪ Tammie: see Tammy
NEW! Tammy | Tami | Tammie | Sandra | Tatjana | Tiana: 34D (75D) 0 other
NEW! Tasty Trixie | Trixie: 36D (80D) 0 M
▪ Tatjana: see Tammy
Tasty Crisa | Angel Crisa | Crisa: 36G (80G) 0 M
▪ Tchikita: see Markéta Pechová
Terry Nova | Lea: 34H (75H) 0 other
▪ Tiffany Treasures: see Bozena
▪ Tiana: see Tammy
▪ Tina: see Anna Song or Busty Tina
▪ Tina Andrea: see Arlene Bell
Toccara Jones: 38G (85G) 0 B
▪ Trixi: see Luba Love
▪ Trixie: see Tasty Trixie
Tyra Moore: 32G (70G) 0 LBB

▪ Ute: see Lucy Love

▪ Valery: see Simi
Vanessa: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
▪ Vanessa B: see Lovely Vanessa
Vanessa Del: 38J (85J) 0 LBB
Velicity Von: 34E (75E) 0 B
▪ Verena: see Aiwe
Veronica Vanoza: 34D (75D) 0 B
Veronika Pagacova | Weronika: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Via Paxton: 38F (85F) 0 B
▪ Visim: see Petra Lovka

▪ Wendi White: see Marketa
Wendy Star | Westy: 34G (75G) 0 other
▪ Wendy White: see Marketa
▪ Weronika: see Veronika Pagacova
▪ Westy: see Wendy Star
Whitney Stevens: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Wifey: 34F (75F) 0 M

Xanthia Doll: 36E (80E) 2 other
XoXoLeah | Leah: 34D (75D) 0 M

Yanine Diaz: 32F (70F) 0 B
Yoko Matsugane | 松金 洋子: 32E (70E) 0 W
Yulia Nova | Юлия Нова: 36G (80G) 0 W
Yurizan Beltran: 36E (80E) 0 LBB

▪ Zdenka K.: see Zuzanna
▪ Zuzana: see Zuzanna
Zuzana Drabinova | Raylene Richards: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Zuzanna | Zuzana | Serena Leonidas | Alotta Boobs | Zdenka K.: 36E (80E) 0 LBB

Ordered by Name (Cyrillic): А-Я

▪ Анна Семенович: see Anna Semenovich
▪ Аня Семенович: see Anna Semenovich

▪ Люба Шумейко: see Luba Shumeyko
▪ Любовь Зарянская: see Luba Love

▪ Наталья Соколова: see Natalia Sokolova
▪ Наташа Ростова: see Luba Love

▪ Римма Агафошина: see Rimma Agafoshina

▪ Юлия Нова: see Yulia Nova

Ordered by Cup Size: D

Jaime Hammer: 32D (70D) 0 M
Renata Daninsky | Peach | Renata Haberlova | Nancy Lane | Renata Danínská: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
Sammie Rhodes: 32D (70D) 0 W
Sara Nice | Sarah Nice: 32D (70D) 0 other
Vanessa: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
34 (75)
NEW! Ada Costa | Ada C. | Princess Adina | Adelina | Sandra: 34D (75D) 0 B
NEW! Aiwe | Katty | Eva | Carolina | Karoline King | Verena | Aneta Heart: 34D (75D) 0 B
Annemarie: 34D (75D) 0 other
Barbara Baines: 34D (75D) 0 B
Brooke Banner: 34D (75D) 0 M
Courtney Cruz: 34D (75D) 0 M
Daisy van Heyden: 34D (75D) 0 other
Emilianna: 34D (75D) 0 other
Greta Istvandi | Suzy: 34D (75D) 0 other
Hannah Hilton: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Hazmat: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
Jamie Lynn: 34D (75D) 0 M
NEW! Jasmine Grey: 34D (75D) 0 B
Kira Eggers: 34D (75D) 0 other
Lena Foxx: 34D (75D) 0 M
Leslie Styles | Rachel Linda: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Luba Love | Trixi | Natasha Rostova | Lubov Zaryanskaya | Наташа Ростова | Любовь Зарянская: 34D (75D) 0 other
Luba Shumeyko | Luba Hegre | Люба Шумейко: 34D (75D) 0 other
Lucie Mina | Kristin M | Miriam | Krystina | Lucy | Gillian | Katrin M.: 34D (75D) 0 other
Mai Ly | Mai Ly Mao: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
Natalia Sokolova | Наталья Соколова: 34D (75D) 0 W
Pure Dee | Dee: 34D (75D) 0 B
Rucca Page: 34D (75D) 0 B
Simi | Arwyn | Olivia | Valery | Perla: 34D (75D) 0 other
Sweet Krissy | Krissy: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Sydney Moon | Sidney Moons: 34D (75D) 0 M
NEW! Tammy | Tami | Tammie | Sandra | Tatjana | Tiana: 34D (75D) 0 other
Veronica Vanoza: 34D (75D) 0 B
Whitney Stevens: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
XoXoLeah | Leah: 34D (75D) 0 M
36 (80)
Barbara Schöneberger: 36D (80D) 0 other
Busty Christy | Christy: 36D (80D) 0 M
NEW! Deanna Baldwin: 36D (80D) 0 other
Erika Vution | Erica: 36D (80D) 2 other
Jessica Camery | Heather: 36D (80D) 0 Sed
NEW! Jordan Kingsley: 36D (80D) 0 M
Kira | Little Redhead | Littleredhead: 36D (80D) 0 B
Kristi Love | Kristy Love | Kristi Klenot | Klenot | Claudia Sweet: 36D (80D) 0 B
Lucy Love | Lucy B. | Lucy Lovelle | Luci | Ute | Cora | Beatrix K. | Lisa: 36D (80D) 0 LBB
Monica Mendez | Monica Rios | Tabitha: 36D (80D) 0 B
Shay Laren: 36D (80D) 0 M
NEW! Sheila Grant | Gwenyth: 36D (80D) 0 other
NEW! Tasty Trixie | Trixie: 36D (80D) 0 M
38 (85)
Maritza: 38D (85D) 0 M

Ordered by Cup Size: E

32 (70)
Ala Passtel | Lucy C. | Gabriela Saint | Gabrielle | Gabriella Hunter: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Bettie Ballhaus: 32E (70E) 0 M
NEW! Dirty Lilly | Lilly: 32E (70E) 0 other
Mandi Collins: 32E (70E) 0 M
Monika Teruova | Milly Morris: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Nikkala Stott: 32E (70E) 0 W
Rimma Agafoshina | Римма Агафошина: 32E (70E) 0 M, W
Yoko Matsugane | 松金 洋子: 32E (70E) 0 W
Zuzana Drabinova | Raylene Richards: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
34 (75)
Alanna Ackerman: 34E (75E) 0 B
Alexis May: 34E (75E) 0 B
Ana: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Anna Jota: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Anna Semenovich | Anna Semenovic | Анна Семенович | Аня Семенович: 34E (75E) 0
Ashley | In Bed with Ashley | Inbedwithashley: 34E (75E) 0 M
NEW! Barbara: 34E (75E) 0 other
Camille Morgan: 34E (75E) 0 other
Candy Cole | Kandy Cole: 34E (75E) 2 LBB
Carly Kaleb | Carly Kale | Carley Kaleb | Lizzie: 34E (75E) 0 B
Carmella Crush: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Carmen Bolivar: 34E (75E) 0 other
Charlotte | Roxanne Kedge | Charlotte Lavey | Katerina: 34E (75E) 0
Chavon Taylor: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Cynthia Romero | Susan: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
NEW! Debora Caprioglio | Debora Kinski: 34E (75E) 0 B
Denise: 34E (75E) 0 other
Edit Gulyás | Edo: 34E (75E) 0 other
Fleur Rose: 34E (75E) 0 B
Gia LaShay: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Gianna Michaels: 34E (75E) 0 W
Haley Crush | Hailie | Busty Hailey | Chelsea: 34E (75E) 0 other
Iga A | Eva Wyrwal | Eve | Ewa Wyrwał: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jacquelin: 34E (75E) 0 other
NEW! Jasmine Black | Jasmine B. | Jasmyne: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jayden | Jaden: 34E (75E) 0 other
Jenna Doll: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jennique: 34E (75E) 2 Sed
Jessica Moore | Rebecca Smith: 34E (75E) 0 other
NEW! Jordan Hart: 34E (75E) 0 B
Katerina Hartlova | Katrin Kozy | Kathy Kozy | Katarina | Snow: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Katerina Konec | Kathryn McIntyre | Kate K. | Katka | Kacie | Candy | Imola: 34E (75E) 0 B
NEW! Love4dream: 34E (75E) 0 B
Lovely Vanessa | Vanessa B: 34E (75E) 0 M, other
Marcela: 34E (75E) 0 other
Marina Matsushima | 松嶋まりな: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Markéta Pechová | Cikita | Tchikita | Chiquita | Cheyenne | Cecilia | Magdalene: 34E (75E) 0 other
Michelle Willings: 34E (75E) 0 B
Natasha Nice: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
NEW! Nikita Valentin | Gabriella Tchekan | Gabriella L. | Martina | Simone: 34E (75E) 0 B
Nikki Sims | Next Door Nikki | Nextdoornikki: 34E (75E) 2 M
Pandora Dreams: 34E (75E) 0 B
Pixie | Pixie's Pillows: 34E (75E) 0 M
Rachel Aziani: 34E (75E) 0 M
Velicity Von: 34E (75E) 0 B
36 (80)
Alvina | Mimi: 36E (80E) 0 other
Alyssa West | Alisa West: 36E (80E) 0 B
Anastazie | Anastasia de Vine | Anastasia Devine: 36E (80E) 0 other
Annette Christianson: 36E (80E) 0 other
Arlene Bell | Tina Andrea: 36E (80E) 0 B
Brittany | Brittany's Bod: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Alli | Alinka | Amanda | Alli: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Nastya | Nastya: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Tina | Tina: 36E (80E) 0 other
Candace Von: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Dana Benn: 36E (80E) 0 other
NEW! Darla Crane: 36E (80E) 0 M
Devon Daniels: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Emma Twigg | Emma Townsend | Emma T | Erica | Erika I.: 36E (80E) 0
Fiona Steels: 36E (80E) 0 other
NEW! Lexi Windsor: 36E (80E) 0 other
London Andrews: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
NEW! Lora Patrick | Laura Fairchild: 36E (80E) 0 B
NEW! Olivia: 36E (80E) 0 other
Paola Rios: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Petra Mis | Paolina | Michaela | Micha: 36E (80E) 0 B
Petra Verkaik: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Roberta Pedon: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Romina Lopez: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Sara Stone: 36E (80E) 0 M
Seraya Jones: 36E (80E) 0 other
Talya Faust: 36E (80E) 0 other
Veronika Pagacova | Weronika: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Xanthia Doll: 36E (80E) 2 other
Yurizan Beltran: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Zuzanna | Zuzana | Serena Leonidas | Alotta Boobs | Zdenka K.: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
38 (85)
Ashley Juggs: 38E (85E) 0 B
NEW! Bonnie Banks: 38E (85E) 0 B
Constance Devil | Bianca Jordan | Katty Black | Jana Pro | Jana Polnicka | Sylvie Dreams: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Eden | Eden 38DD: 38E (85E) 0 M
Effie Balconi | Effie Marconi | Effie Dubois | Effi Buster | Effi Flimmers | Effie Mota | Steffi | Suzie: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Jessica Lords: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Marketa | Markita | Wendy White | Wendi White | Menteka: 38E (85E) 0 LBB

Ordered by Cup Size: F-G

32 (70)
Dawn Allison | Dawn's Place: 32F (70F) 0 M
Ewa Sonnet: 32F (70F) 0 other
Lizzie Goldsmith | Liz: 32F (70F) 0 B
Michelle Bond | Michelle Monaghan | Michelle Wilson: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
Sydney Simona: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
Yanine Diaz: 32F (70F) 0 B
34 (75)
Anna Ohura | Anna Oura | 大浦あんな: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Audra Mitchell: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Danielle Riley: 34F (75F) 0 B
Dannie Nesh: 34F (75F) 0 other
Davina Armstrong: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Dominno: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Esther Baxter: 34F (75F) 0 W
Ines Cudna: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Iva Kleinova | Mandy May: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Karina Hart: 34F (75F) 0 other
NEW! Lisa Anne: 34F (75F) 0 Sed
Miriam Gonzalez: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Natasha | Nata | Nina | Debbie | Susan: 34F (75F) 0 other
Rachel B | Michaela | Misa: 34F (75F) 0 other
Sonia | Bianka: 34F (75F) 0 M
Wifey: 34F (75F) 0 M
36 (80)
Brandy Taylor | Brandy Talore: 36F (80F) 0 M
Brianna Bragg: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Brianna Costello: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Cassandra Calogera | Ariel Jordan | Busty Ariel : 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Chloe Veria: 36F (80F) 0 M
Danica Collins | Donna Ambrose: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
NEW! Desirae: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
NEW! Harmony Heart: 36F (80F) 0 Sed
Jasmin Sky | Jasmine Sky: 36F (80F) 0 B
Joanna | Joana: 36F (80F) 0 other
Kathryn MacGregor | Kathryn McGregor | Karen MacGregor | Karen McGregor: 36F (80F) 0 M
NEW! Kelly Kay: 36F (80F) 0 B
Lily Valentine | Katalina: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Lola Lane: 36F (80F) 0 B
Mariah Lynn: 36F (80F) 0 other
Natalie Fiore: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Patricia Farinelli | Patti Farinelli: 36F (80F) 0 W
Petra Lovka | Liana Smiss | Boobsdonna | Visim: 36F (80F) 0 M
Shanti: 36F (80F) 0 B
Sharday: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Sierra: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Sunny Wagner: 36F (80F) 0 other
38 (85)
NEW! Angelina Vallery | Angelina Vallem: 38F (85F) 0 B
Annie Swanson: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
NEW! Blondie: 38F (85F) 0 B
Gabriella Michaels: 38F (85F) 0 B
Janet Jade: 38F (85F) 0 other
Keama Kim: 38F (85F) 2 other
Laura Orsolya | Laura M | Orsolya: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
Via Paxton: 38F (85F) 0 B
Isabell Lane | Desire Monet: 40F (90F) 0 LBB

32 (70)
Anya Sakova | Merilyn Sakova | Merilyn Sekova | Anya Zenkova | Busty Merilyn: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Danni Ashe: 32G (70G) 0 W
Faith | In Bed with Faith | Inbedwithfaith: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Hilton la Vega: 32G (70G) 0 other
Lera: 32G (70G) 0 other
Lucy Pinder: 32G (70G) 0 M
Maria Swan | Jana Defi | Princessa: 32G (70G) 0 W
NEW! Mellie D.: 32G (70G) 0 M
Paris Milan: 32G (70G) 0 other
Tyra Moore: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
34 (75)
NEW! Africa | Africa Sexxx: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Bea Flora: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Cassandra: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Ctexsins Chelle: 34G (75G) 2 other
Kate Bona: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Kelly Madison: 34G (75G) 0 M
NEW! Melanie Addison: 34G (75G) 0 other
Melissa Mandlikova | Pamela | Pam | Stefinka: 34G (75G) 0 other
Sonia Blake: 34G (75G) 0 other
Wendy Star | Westy: 34G (75G) 0 other
36 (80)
Angela White: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Kiki Kakuchi | Laina: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Lisa: 36G (80G) 0 other
Maggie Green: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Micky | Mickey: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Sarah 36G: 36G (80G) 0 other
Shiva Shaw: 36G (80G) 0 M
Tasty Crisa | Angel Crisa | Crisa: 36G (80G) 0 M
Yulia Nova | Юлия Нова: 36G (80G) 0 W
38 (85)
Bozena | Ester | Tiffany Treasures: 38G (85G) 0 LBB, B
Carmen Hayes: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
Christiane | Chrissi: 38G (85G) 0 other
Christy Marks | Jerri Monet: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
Samantha Anderson: 38G (85G) 0 M
Toccara Jones: 38G (85G) 0 B
40 (90)
Simone Staxxx: 40G (90G) 0 M

Ordered by Cup Size: H-K

30 (65)
Cindy Milley: 30H (65H) 0 M
Anna Song | Anita | Tina: 32H (70H) 0 other
34 (75)
Aneta Buena: 34H (75H) 0 other
Diane Poppos: 34H (75H) 0 M
Madleina | Peggy Sue: 34H (75H) 0 Sed, other
Sabina Leigh: 34H (75H) 0 M
Terry Nova | Lea: 34H (75H) 0 other
36 (80)
Alexandra Moore: 36H (80H) 0 M
April McKenzie | April Juggs: 36H (80H) 0 M
Chaka T: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Chloe Vevrier: 36H (80H) 0 W
Delotta Brown: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Nikki King | Nejla, the Arabian Treasure Chest | Medina: 36H (80H) 0 B
38 (85)
Chaz: 38H (85H) 0 LBB
Nadine Jansen: 38H (85H) 0 M

32 (70)
Ashley | Dream of Ashley | Dreamofashley: 32I (70I) 0 M
34 (75)
Autumn Jade: 34I (75I) 0 LBB
Kerry Marie: 34I (75I) 0 other
Lorna Morgan: 34I (75I) 0 LBB
36 (80)
Eden Mor: 36I (80I) 0 M
Emilia Boshe: 36I (80I) 0 LBB
Maria Moore: 36I (80I) 0 B
Natasha Nelson: 36I (80I) 0 B
Niki Castro: 36I (80I) 0 other
Sayuri | さゆり: 36I (80I) 0 other
38 (85)
Alessandra Derya: 38I (85I) 0 LBB

32 (70)
Nicole Peters: 32J (70J) 0 M
36 (80)
Milena Velba: 36J (80J) 0 M
38 (85)
Ann Vanderbilt: 38J (85J) 0 other
Ourei Harada | Orei Harada | 原田 桜怜: 38J (85J) 0 W
Vanessa Del: 38J (85J) 0 LBB

32 (70)
Cheron: 32K (70K) 0 other
Rachel Aldana: 32K (70K) 0 LBB
38 (85)
Bianca Bloom: 38K (85K) 0 LBB
Miosotis: 38K (85K) 0 M
Sarah Mercury: 38K (85K) 0 M

Ordered by Band Size: 30-32

30 (65)
Cindy Milley: 30H (65H) 0 M

32 (70)
Jaime Hammer: 32D (70D) 0 M
Renata Daninsky | Peach | Renata Haberlova | Nancy Lane | Renata Danínská: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
Sammie Rhodes: 32D (70D) 0 W
Sara Nice | Sarah Nice: 32D (70D) 0 other
Vanessa: 32D (70D) 0 LBB
Ala Passtel | Lucy C. | Gabriela Saint | Gabrielle | Gabriella Hunter: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Bettie Ballhaus: 32E (70E) 0 M
NEW! Dirty Lilly | Lilly: 32E (70E) 0 other
Mandi Collins: 32E (70E) 0 M
Monika Teruova | Milly Morris: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Nikkala Stott: 32E (70E) 0 W
Rimma Agafoshina | Римма Агафошина: 32E (70E) 0 M, W
Yoko Matsugane | 松金 洋子: 32E (70E) 0 W
Zuzana Drabinova | Raylene Richards: 32E (70E) 0 LBB
Dawn Allison | Dawn's Place: 32F (70F) 0 M
Ewa Sonnet: 32F (70F) 0 other
Lizzie Goldsmith | Liz: 32F (70F) 0 B
Michelle Bond | Michelle Monaghan | Michelle Wilson: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
Sydney Simona: 32F (70F) 0 LBB
Yanine Diaz: 32F (70F) 0 B
Anya Sakova | Merilyn Sakova | Merilyn Sekova | Anya Zenkova | Busty Merilyn: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Danni Ashe: 32G (70G) 0 W
Faith | In Bed with Faith | Inbedwithfaith: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Hilton la Vega: 32G (70G) 0 other
Lera: 32G (70G) 0 other
Lucy Pinder: 32G (70G) 0 M
Maria Swan | Jana Defi | Princessa: 32G (70G) 0 W
NEW! Mellie D.: 32G (70G) 0 M
Paris Milan: 32G (70G) 0 other
Tyra Moore: 32G (70G) 0 LBB
Anna Song | Anita | Tina: 32H (70H) 0 other
Ashley | Dream of Ashley | Dreamofashley: 32I (70I) 0 M
Nicole Peters: 32J (70J) 0 M
Cheron: 32K (70K) 0 other
Rachel Aldana: 32K (70K) 0 LBB

Ordered by Band Size: 34D-E

34 (75)
NEW! Ada Costa | Ada C. | Princess Adina | Adelina | Sandra: 34D (75D) 0 B
NEW! Aiwe | Katty | Eva | Carolina | Karoline King | Verena | Aneta Heart: 34D (75D) 0 B
Annemarie: 34D (75D) 0 other
Barbara Baines: 34D (75D) 0 B
Brooke Banner: 34D (75D) 0 M
Courtney Cruz: 34D (75D) 0 M
Daisy van Heyden: 34D (75D) 0 other
Emilianna: 34D (75D) 0 other
Greta Istvandi | Suzy: 34D (75D) 0 other
Hannah Hilton: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Hazmat: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
Jamie Lynn: 34D (75D) 0 M
NEW! Jasmine Grey: 34D (75D) 0 B
Kira Eggers: 34D (75D) 0 other
Lena Foxx: 34D (75D) 0 M
Leslie Styles | Rachel Linda: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Luba Love | Trixi | Natasha Rostova | Lubov Zaryanskaya | Наташа Ростова | Любовь Зарянская: 34D (75D) 0 other
Luba Shumeyko | Luba Hegre | Люба Шумейко: 34D (75D) 0 other
Lucie Mina | Kristin M | Miriam | Krystina | Lucy | Gillian | Katrin M.: 34D (75D) 0 other
Mai Ly | Mai Ly Mao: 34D (75D) 0 Sed
Natalia Sokolova | Наталья Соколова: 34D (75D) 0 W
Pure Dee | Dee: 34D (75D) 0 B
Rucca Page: 34D (75D) 0 B
Simi | Arwyn | Olivia | Valery | Perla: 34D (75D) 0 other
Sweet Krissy | Krissy: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
Sydney Moon | Sidney Moons: 34D (75D) 0 M
NEW! Tammy | Tami | Tammie | Sandra | Tatjana | Tiana: 34D (75D) 0 other
Veronica Vanoza: 34D (75D) 0 B
Whitney Stevens: 34D (75D) 0 LBB
XoXoLeah | Leah: 34D (75D) 0 M
Alanna Ackerman: 34E (75E) 0 B
Alexis May: 34E (75E) 0 B
Ana: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Anna Jota: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Anna Semenovich | Anna Semenovic | Анна Семенович | Аня Семенович: 34E (75E) 0
Ashley | In Bed with Ashley | Inbedwithashley: 34E (75E) 0 M
NEW! Barbara: 34E (75E) 0 other
Camille Morgan: 34E (75E) 0 other
Candy Cole | Kandy Cole: 34E (75E) 2 LBB
Carly Kaleb | Carly Kale | Carley Kaleb | Lizzie: 34E (75E) 0 B
Carmella Crush: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Carmen Bolivar: 34E (75E) 0 other
Charlotte | Roxanne Kedge | Charlotte Lavey | Katerina: 34E (75E) 0
Chavon Taylor: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Cynthia Romero | Susan: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
NEW! Debora Caprioglio | Debora Kinski: 34E (75E) 0 B
Denise: 34E (75E) 0 other
Edit Gulyás | Edo: 34E (75E) 0 other
Fleur Rose: 34E (75E) 0 B
Gia LaShay: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Gianna Michaels: 34E (75E) 0 W
Haley Crush | Hailie | Busty Hailey | Chelsea: 34E (75E) 0 other
Iga A | Eva Wyrwal | Eve | Ewa Wyrwał: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jacquelin: 34E (75E) 0 other
NEW! Jasmine Black | Jasmine B. | Jasmyne: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jayden | Jaden: 34E (75E) 0 other
Jenna Doll: 34E (75E) 0 B
Jennique: 34E (75E) 2 Sed
Jessica Moore | Rebecca Smith: 34E (75E) 0 other
NEW! Jordan Hart: 34E (75E) 0 B
Katerina Hartlova | Katrin Kozy | Kathy Kozy | Katarina | Snow: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Katerina Konec | Kathryn McIntyre | Kate K. | Katka | Kacie | Candy | Imola: 34E (75E) 0 B
NEW! Love4dream: 34E (75E) 0 B
Lovely Vanessa | Vanessa B: 34E (75E) 0 M, other
Marcela: 34E (75E) 0 other
Marina Matsushima | 松嶋まりな: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
Markéta Pechová | Cikita | Tchikita | Chiquita | Cheyenne | Cecilia | Magdalene: 34E (75E) 0 other
Michelle Willings: 34E (75E) 0 B
Natasha Nice: 34E (75E) 0 LBB
NEW! Nikita Valentin | Gabriella Tchekan | Gabriella L. | Martina | Simone: 34E (75E) 0 B
Nikki Sims | Next Door Nikki | Nextdoornikki: 34E (75E) 2 M
Pandora Dreams: 34E (75E) 0 B
Pixie | Pixie's Pillows: 34E (75E) 0 M
Rachel Aziani: 34E (75E) 0 M
Velicity Von: 34E (75E) 0 B

Ordered by Band Size: 34F-I

34 (75) cont.
Anna Ohura | Anna Oura | 大浦あんな: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Audra Mitchell: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Danielle Riley: 34F (75F) 0 B
Dannie Nesh: 34F (75F) 0 other
Davina Armstrong: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Dominno: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Esther Baxter: 34F (75F) 0 W
Ines Cudna: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Iva Kleinova | Mandy May: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Karina Hart: 34F (75F) 0 other
NEW! Lisa Anne: 34F (75F) 0 Sed
Miriam Gonzalez: 34F (75F) 0 LBB
Natasha | Nata | Nina | Debbie | Susan: 34F (75F) 0 other
Rachel B | Michaela | Misa: 34F (75F) 0 other
Sonia | Bianka: 34F (75F) 0 M
Wifey: 34F (75F) 0 M
NEW! Africa | Africa Sexxx: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Bea Flora: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Cassandra: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Ctexsins Chelle: 34G (75G) 2 other
Kate Bona: 34G (75G) 0 LBB
Kelly Madison: 34G (75G) 0 M
NEW! Melanie Addison: 34G (75G) 0 other
Melissa Mandlikova | Pamela | Pam | Stefinka: 34G (75G) 0 other
Sonia Blake: 34G (75G) 0 other
Wendy Star | Westy: 34G (75G) 0 other
Aneta Buena: 34H (75H) 0 other
Diane Poppos: 34H (75H) 0 M
Madleina | Peggy Sue: 34H (75H) 0 Sed, other
Sabina Leigh: 34H (75H) 0 M
Terry Nova | Lea: 34H (75H) 0 other
Autumn Jade: 34I (75I) 0 LBB
Kerry Marie: 34I (75I) 0 other
Lorna Morgan: 34I (75I) 0 LBB

Ordered by Band Size: 36

36 (80)
Barbara Schöneberger: 36D (80D) 0 other
Busty Christy | Christy: 36D (80D) 0 M
NEW! Deanna Baldwin: 36D (80D) 0 other
Erika Vution | Erica: 36D (80D) 2 other
Jessica Camery | Heather: 36D (80D) 0 Sed
NEW! Jordan Kingsley: 36D (80D) 0 M
Kira | Little Redhead | Littleredhead: 36D (80D) 0 B
Kristi Love | Kristy Love | Kristi Klenot | Klenot | Claudia Sweet: 36D (80D) 0 B
Lucy Love | Lucy B. | Lucy Lovelle | Luci | Ute | Cora | Beatrix K. | Lisa: 36D (80D) 0 LBB
Monica Mendez | Monica Rios | Tabitha: 36D (80D) 0 B
Shay Laren: 36D (80D) 0 M
NEW! Sheila Grant | Gwenyth: 36D (80D) 0 other
NEW! Tasty Trixie | Trixie: 36D (80D) 0 M
Alvina | Mimi: 36E (80E) 0 other
Alyssa West | Alisa West: 36E (80E) 0 B
Anastazie | Anastasia de Vine | Anastasia Devine: 36E (80E) 0 other
Annette Christianson: 36E (80E) 0 other
Arlene Bell | Tina Andrea: 36E (80E) 0 B
Brittany | Brittany's Bod: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Alli | Alinka | Amanda | Alli: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Nastya | Nastya: 36E (80E) 0 M
Busty Tina | Tina: 36E (80E) 0 other
Candace Von: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Dana Benn: 36E (80E) 0 other
NEW! Darla Crane: 36E (80E) 0 M
Devon Daniels: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Emma Twigg | Emma Townsend | Emma T | Erica | Erika I.: 36E (80E) 0
Fiona Steels: 36E (80E) 0 other
NEW! Lexi Windsor: 36E (80E) 0 other
London Andrews: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
NEW! Lora Patrick | Laura Fairchild: 36E (80E) 0 B
NEW! Olivia: 36E (80E) 0 other
Paola Rios: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Petra Mis | Paolina | Michaela | Micha: 36E (80E) 0 B
Petra Verkaik: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Roberta Pedon: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Romina Lopez: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Sara Stone: 36E (80E) 0 M
Seraya Jones: 36E (80E) 0 other
Talya Faust: 36E (80E) 0 other
Veronika Pagacova | Weronika: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Xanthia Doll: 36E (80E) 2 other
Yurizan Beltran: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Zuzanna | Zuzana | Serena Leonidas | Alotta Boobs | Zdenka K.: 36E (80E) 0 LBB
Brandy Taylor | Brandy Talore: 36F (80F) 0 M
Brianna Bragg: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Brianna Costello: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Cassandra Calogera | Ariel Jordan | Busty Ariel : 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Chloe Veria: 36F (80F) 0 M
Danica Collins | Donna Ambrose: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
NEW! Desirae: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
NEW! Harmony Heart: 36F (80F) 0 Sed
Jasmin Sky | Jasmine Sky: 36F (80F) 0 B
Joanna | Joana: 36F (80F) 0 other
Kathryn MacGregor | Kathryn McGregor | Karen MacGregor | Karen McGregor: 36F (80F) 0 M
NEW! Kelly Kay: 36F (80F) 0 B
Lily Valentine | Katalina: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Lola Lane: 36F (80F) 0 B
Mariah Lynn: 36F (80F) 0 other
Natalie Fiore: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Patricia Farinelli | Patti Farinelli: 36F (80F) 0 W
Petra Lovka | Liana Smiss | Boobsdonna | Visim: 36F (80F) 0 M
Shanti: 36F (80F) 0 B
Sharday: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Sierra: 36F (80F) 0 LBB
Sunny Wagner: 36F (80F) 0 other
Angela White: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Kiki Kakuchi | Laina: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Lisa: 36G (80G) 0 other
Maggie Green: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Micky | Mickey: 36G (80G) 0 LBB
Sarah 36G: 36G (80G) 0 other
Shiva Shaw: 36G (80G) 0 M
Tasty Crisa | Angel Crisa | Crisa: 36G (80G) 0 M
Yulia Nova | Юлия Нова: 36G (80G) 0 W
Alexandra Moore: 36H (80H) 0 M
April McKenzie | April Juggs: 36H (80H) 0 M
Chaka T: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Chloe Vevrier: 36H (80H) 0 W
Delotta Brown: 36H (80H) 0 LBB
Nikki King | Nejla, the Arabian Treasure Chest | Medina: 36H (80H) 0 B
Eden Mor: 36I (80I) 0 M
Emilia Boshe: 36I (80I) 0 LBB
Maria Moore: 36I (80I) 0 B
Natasha Nelson: 36I (80I) 0 B
Niki Castro: 36I (80I) 0 other
Sayuri | さゆり: 36I (80I) 0 other
Milena Velba: 36J (80J) 0 M

Ordered by Band Size: 38-40

38 (85)
Maritza: 38D (85D) 0 M
Ashley Juggs: 38E (85E) 0 B
NEW! Bonnie Banks: 38E (85E) 0 B
Constance Devil | Bianca Jordan | Katty Black | Jana Pro | Jana Polnicka | Sylvie Dreams: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Eden | Eden 38DD: 38E (85E) 0 M
Effie Balconi | Effie Marconi | Effie Dubois | Effi Buster | Effi Flimmers | Effie Mota | Steffi | Suzie: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Jessica Lords: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
Marketa | Markita | Wendy White | Wendi White | Menteka: 38E (85E) 0 LBB
NEW! Angelina Vallery | Angelina Vallem: 38F (85F) 0 B
Annie Swanson: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
NEW! Blondie: 38F (85F) 0 B
Gabriella Michaels: 38F (85F) 0 B
Janet Jade: 38F (85F) 0 other
Keama Kim: 38F (85F) 2 other
Laura Orsolya | Laura M | Orsolya: 38F (85F) 0 LBB
Via Paxton: 38F (85F) 0 B
Bozena | Ester | Tiffany Treasures: 38G (85G) 0 LBB, B
Carmen Hayes: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
Christiane | Chrissi: 38G (85G) 0 other
Christy Marks | Jerri Monet: 38G (85G) 0 LBB
Samantha Anderson: 38G (85G) 0 M
Toccara Jones: 38G (85G) 0 B
Chaz: 38H (85H) 0 LBB
Nadine Jansen: 38H (85H) 0 M
Alessandra Derya: 38I (85I) 0 LBB
Ann Vanderbilt: 38J (85J) 0 other
Ourei Harada | Orei Harada | 原田 桜怜: 38J (85J) 0 W
Vanessa Del: 38J (85J) 0 LBB
Bianca Bloom: 38K (85K) 0 LBB
Miosotis: 38K (85K) 0 M
Sarah Mercury: 38K (85K) 0 M

40 (90)
Isabell Lane | Desire Monet: 40F (90F) 0 LBB
Simone Staxxx: 40G (90G) 0 M

Incomplete Information, Ordered by Name

Anabelle Mayaa: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Arabella: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Bea Summer: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Billie Bombs: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Bonita | Kym Bonita: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Brooklyn Jade: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Daniella: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
NEW! Deseo: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Destiny Cale: 30G (65G) ? M, other

Gloria Gotta: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

NEW! Jasmine | Shana: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Jastin Erato: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Julia Sonnet: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Katja B | Edda | Katerina Bardo | Kate: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Martina | Stella | Gigi: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Mary Waters | Cher | Cher Waters | Dolly | Dani Fabroso | Melissa Anne: ?F (?F) 0 LBB

Nelli Roono: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
Nives Celzijus | Nives Drpić | Nives Zeljković: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Pandora | Sandra: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Shoko Goto | 後藤聖子: ?G (?G) 0 W
Stefany Hohnjec: ?? (??) ? no reference link
Svanhild | Abbigail | Mariya: ?? (??) 0 no reference link

Tania Kliukvina | Klukva | Таня Клюквина: ?? (??) 0 (95-65-94) other

Wanessa Lilio: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
White Angel: ?? (??) 0 no reference link
