Problems, bugs, errors, etc with the new board - report here


Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Since the board just came up, you will probably experience some disruptions while we work on the server and get things up to speed.

In the meantime, if you experience wacky and weird things (bugs, errors, etc) you can post them here!


PS We do know about the speed issues.

PSSSSS When you're reporting an issue PLEASE tell us which browser and version you're using! It's hard to tell what's looking wierd where since there's a variety out there!


- You may have 4 lines in your signature. That gives you 1 image + 3 additional lines. A space between text DOES count as a line.

This has always been part of the signature guidelines, the software is just now enforcing it.

- If you have a signature, it will now always show by default when you make a post.

Board to myFreeOnes Issue

- Fixed

Board Speed

- Being worked on

Styling Issues in non-IE and FireFox Browsers

- The issue of not being able see the Rep icon, blank spots on the formatting buttons, and other things not appearing correctly in an browser that's not Internet Explorer or FireFox IS a known issue and we're trying to get it solved.

More Spam than Usual

- We are aware of the spam. We are working on reducing it back to levels where you won't notice it as much. Until then, please feel free to give the mods a hand by reporting spam posts.

Posts showing up blank



Yes, your rep power (the rep you see on your posts) IS reduced. This is intentional. It now takes a lot more reputation to get 1 point of rep power. However, you do get more clicks in a day.


Attachment issues 'should' be fixed.

User Titles - Members with 10,000+ posts

For those of you who had user titles, yes, they got wiped out. To reset them, go to 'edit profile' in your settings and re-enter your custom user title.
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Closed Account
All buttons blend in to the background so you cant actually see them, you have to hover over the area where you think they are to get a description on Chrome and Firefox, haven't tested Internet Exploder.

Edit: This has been noted. - Petra
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Except that it took me 5 tries to get in (server too busy this monster said all the time) and the fact that the board is ever so slow, so far everything seem to work.
But honestly, I would turn back the clock and go back to the old forum. Just my humble opinion of course.


Closed Account
Since the board just came up, you will probably experience some disruptions while we work on the server and get things up to speed.

In the meantime, if you experience wacky and weird things (bugs, errors, etc) you can post them here!


Testing quick reply with quote, didnt seem to work in another thread.

Turns out that if you use any of the extra letters in the Scandinavian languages it will wipe your post clean.

Edit: This has been noted. - Petra
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Cult Mother and Simpering Cunt
Except that it took me 5 tries to get in (server too busy this monster said all the time) and the fact that the board is ever so slow, so far everything seem to work.
But honestly, I would turn back the clock and go back to the old forum. Just my humble opinion of course.

We'd have kept the other version, but we don't know how long vbulletin would support it. So it was better to switch over to the version we know they'll continue supporting rather than one day log in and find out we have to upgrade. Then it would have been a real mess.
I think its good to mention that we are fully aware of the speed issues. People are working on that so no need to mention it ;)
Keep getting invalid attachment message contact administrator. That doesn't work either.

Edit: This has been noted. - Petra
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Apart from the speed. When i click reply to thread it loads for a while then stops. When i click to reply again, it makes me post a quick reply.

I also can't find what used to be called profile
I think its good to mention that we are fully aware of the speed issues. People are working on that so no need to mention it ;)
That's good to know. I know I sound negative now, but don't worry about it, I'm just getting used to this new board. ;)
Keep up the good work.

And although this is a reply to a post of Roald, this message is in the first place for our lovely Petra. :D
When typing in the text box for a new post (either quick reply or advanced), words are wrapping to the next line oddly. Instead of grabbing the whole word and doing a carriage return of it to the next line, it just wraps the letters mid-word. So, for example, if you're writing the word "enough" and reach the end of the line before the word is finished, "enou" will appear at the end of one line and "gh" will appear at the beginning of the next. However, it seems to be cleaning it up when it actually posts the text. Odd and rather annoying.

Edit: This has been noted. - Petra
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..the post before was with the *normal* reply-to-thread button ... THISONE is with *Quick-reply* ...


Lord Dipstick
1)How do I view my rep page w/ my subscriptions?
2)Wheres my siggy??
I hate change!!:facepalm:
1)How do I view my rep page w/ my subscriptions?
2)Wheres my siggy??
I hate change!!:facepalm:

Top right corner for profile
I just got the error
This post is a duplicate of a post that you have posted in the last five minutes. You will be redirected to that thread..
Click here if your browser does not automatically redirect you.
I don't know what that means because I didn't reply that message earlier.