Pro Wrestler Larry Zbyszko does Porn Chick?

nobody respects a real wrestler like i do, but i have a very hard time believing that weapon use is 100% real. sure there are slips, but they are unintentional. i mean just look at HHH and his sledgehammer. :1orglaugh
ohhhhh, I couldnt agree with you more about weapon use being fake. Yes, the sledgehammer is a real sledge hammer, but he covers his hand over the iron part. That looks very fake. The chairs and tables is all I can say that is real.
I am wondering if the taser used on Spike Dudley last night was real or not.
ohhhhh, I couldnt agree with you more about weapon use being fake. Yes, the sledgehammer is a real sledge hammer, but he covers his hand over the iron part. That looks very fake. The chairs and tables is all I can say that is real.
I am wondering if the taser used on Spike Dudley last night was real or not.

i think it was, but he had something on to protect him from the voltage.
Yes, wrestling has a predetermined outcome, but everything else is real. Are you saying that when those guys land on their backs they are not really landing on their backs? Are you saying when a metal chair hits them it is really not hitting them? The moves are real, the outcome is predetermined. If everything was "fake" then there should be no injuries.


Metal chair, well sort of. It's actually tin. One of the softest metals of all and very bendy. The matting in the ring is like landing on a bed its that soft. I've been in a ring on a charity event. Not a WWE ring but there all the same. I wasn't wrestling but we all had a slam put on us for the show. I've never had such a soft landing in my life.

You can get injured picking up a piece of paper.

Half the injuries come from miss timed moves or landing wrongly. The others are usually from lifts.

Oh well the young will believe anything till they age and learn :o :D
Lary Zbysko... hoyl shit that guy's gotta be like 50 now! TNA! TNA!
Poggy, I dont know what ring you were in that made it feel like a bed, but most rings are not like that. Of all the rings I have been in they are hard with a little bounce. You see the ring has a canvas, a layer of carpet pad, a layer of carpet (this may vary on some rings), wood (either 2 by 12's or plywood), then the IRON braces, with a two springs under the ring. The ring used for Wrestling at the Chase was like landing on concrete. The WWE ring does not have much bounce, and the padding is very thin. Most indy groups the ring is average and you will feel your landing.
If you had a slam put on you for the show and you were not a licensed wrestler by the athletic commission in your state, if you state has one, then the person giving you the "slam" gave you a very soft one, or you put your arms down and landed wrong.
Most likely if you were in a ring for a show, even charity, and you got slammed then your state must not sanction pro wrestling.


OK I've gotta chime in here. I used to set up rings for the NWA(WCW) back when Crockett still ran it and those rings were not soft. And as far as Ric Flairs sissy slap things I took one once and my chest was red for three days. And that was with naich only throwing it at about 3/4 speed. The chairs? Real folding steel chairs. 75% of chair shots are to the back and most of the rest people get their hands up to "soften" the blow. Now there are two ways to get juice(blood), the first way and easiest is to gig yourself with a razor blade the second way isn't used much anymore because not many people can do it effectively is hitting right above the other guys eyebrow with a downward stroke and open him up. FYI Harley Race was the master of opening someone up that way.
The chick in the vid has flat tits and he isn't so muscular as compared to Rody Piper. I imagine what would it be seeing Rody Piper fucking Tylene Buck.
Slightly widening the subject but dunno if anyone likes boxing but i remember, maybe 8 - 10 years ago, seeing former WBC supermiddleweight champion Robin Reid in some porn mag - might've been hustler or velvet or something
( but i think he was still a pro-fighter then )

a good discussion on the reality of the wrestling though - obviously some guys get hurt but i reckon that is basically when mistakes happen when you have big 250 guys throwing eachother round, but it's all kayfabe and planned

i respect the skill and power of the wrestlers but, to me, it's more like gymnastics than fighting - as has been said before, if you really hit someone, even with a light steel / tin chair with real bad intentions it would have a good chance of knocking them out / putting them in a coma / killing them
:2 cents:
when mistakes happen when you have big 250 guys throwing eachother round, but it's all kayfabe and planned


sorry, this part meant to read

"when mistakes happen when you have big 250 pound guys throwing eachother round, but it's all kayfabe and planned"
Blakey, with all do respect you are not using the word kayfabe correctly. Did you know 90 percent, if not more, of a match is called on the spot right there in the ring? This requires extreme quick thinking and great in ring psychology.
Trust me he people.... the wrestlers do get knocked out and do get concussions when getting hit with those steel chairs. There is nothing fake or special about those steel chairs.
I am glad someone like Thatredwing can attest to how NOT SOFT those rings are. Anyone that says a ring is like falling on a mattress or a trampoline has never been in a real wrestling ring.
Did you know 90 percent, if not more, of a match is called on the spot right there in the ring? This requires extreme quick thinking and great in ring psychology.

I agree there's alot of skill involved and i'm not an expert by any means ( i stopped watching the WWF in the mid-90s ) and i take nothing away from the wrestler's skill and athleticism

my point was more that they try to make it as realistic, violent and entertaining as possible - but without actually hurting eachother, hence the name "sports entertainment"

but just my opinion, as i say, i'm no expert on this
You are very correct, Blakey, when you say they dont want to hurt each other. The number one goal for them other than entertaining the fans is to be safe with one another in the ring.
Also, did you know the name "sports entertainment" was made by Vince McMahon to avoid bein shut down in most state athletic commission due to the unwanting of legit fighting back in the day?
That is why UFC is so well excepted now. The state athletic commissions told them they had to have more rules. I always did find that interesting.
EDIT: This looks like illegal content

Here is the entire, uncut version of Pro Wrestler Larry Zbyszko and porn chick Felicia Flint.

Some one definitely got screwed here.