Oh, it's her. I'm so sure of it (like I've been saying since it popped up), that if it's not really her, I will not post in this thread again.
That is big, cause Priya is my favorite topic to chat about.
What I kind of find a little funny is the fact if it was almost anybody else except for Priya we probably would never be able to tell. She is just unique enough. I mean if the person didn't have darkish skin or the tan lines in just the right place or just normal hair we would never be able to tell who they are, but with Priya it's like she's etched into our minds in a way that's even hard for a lot of other people with their favorite models.
(On a unrelated note, even if I try to block it out of my mind, that guy's arms and legs look about as skinny as Priya's, (yeah yeah if it is Priya I know) seriously compare them, and Priya is a short Indian girl at that. Plus I don't know if it's just Priya's excellent skin tone but he looks pale as hell. For the love of God dude get a tan and hit the weights. Seriously at least do some squats....for crying out loud you’re with Priya. If for some reason I was the male talent and somebody told me I was going to have a scene with Priya in a month or two even I would start busting ass like I never have before. I know I do it with every scene anyhow, but now I will really have to use my great mental powers to keep half the image blocked out no matter what. :1orglaugh
