I love Priya Rai vids and pics, but in the main topic there are only movies. I think this topic is a good complement for the otehr one. The idea is to post the newest (and oldest) Priya Rai gals. I love her posing pics...
WOW! its a good thing she finally moved away from the same scenes she's made before. I mean its not like she's doing the same type of scene over and over again....oh wait, she is...never mind. ill check back in 3 more months for something actually 'new'.
Hey look, Caracallan is whining again. You know, maybe I should give him a break. I mean, it's not like 90 or so of his 130 posts are him whining about types of scenes porn stars do.... oh, wait, nm.
I always love Priya Rai work, but sorry to see her look changing somewhat.
She is looking lighter-skinned, and more typical pornstar, and less exotic, Indian beauty.