Private prisons: The new plantations of modern-day slavery

Will E Worm

Private prisons: The new plantations of modern-day slavery

Corrections Corporation of America is making millions, some from prison labor.

African Americans comprise more than 40 percent of all of the inmates in American. Many of the crimes that have lead to our incarceration are non violent. Crimes such as grand theft, drug possession, prostitution etc., that many see as norms in our community are feeding the worst beast of the prison industrial complex, the private prison.

Private prison companies are literally making billions off the incarceration African Americans. Let's look at, the Corrections Corporation of America, or CCA for short. CCA is the largest private prison corporation in America. With 60 facilities and more than 85,000 beds, they are the fourth largest corrections system in the nation, only the federal government and three states are larger.

Last week, on Aug 5th, CCA announced its quarterly earnings, for the three-month period between April and July it earned a reported $419.4 million. In other words over last three months. That's along with $414 million reported in the 1st quarter, or $833 million in the first six months of 2010.


Tommy Chong 'Prison Labor is Slavery'
I'm confused.

It says African-Americans make up 40% of the prison population. That's less than half.

Then it says "Private prison companies are literally making billions off the incarceration of African Americans."

Are the African-Americans the only ones that are working?


Will E Worm

Are the African-Americans the only ones that are working?

No. :tongue: It's all of the inmates or slaves.
Private prisons should not be around or tolerated. They actually trade stock.
So, they are making money on slave labor.

The Pentagon & slave labor in U.S. prisons

Major corporations profiting from the slave labor of prisoners include Motorola, Compaq, Honeywell, Microsoft, Boeing, Revlon, Chevron, TWA, Victoria’s Secret and Eddie Bauer.

IBM, Texas Instruments and Dell get circuit boards made by Texas prisoners. Tennessee inmates sew jeans for Kmart and JCPenney. Tens of thousands of youth flipping hamburgers for minimum wages at McDonald’s wear uniforms sewn by prison workers, who are forced to work for much less.


Ace Bandage

The one and only.
African Americans comprise more than 40 percent of all of the inmates in American.
Really? A typo in the first fucking sentence. What grade did this kid get on his essay?
Crimes such as grand theft, drug possession, prostitution etc., that many see as norms in our community
How are any of those the norm? :dunno: Those people deserve to be in jail.

Get the fuck out of here with this high school shit. A blog written by some dumb bitch on the Internet is not a reputable news story. People who break the law deserve to be incarcerated regardless of race. End of discussion. Reading that blog was a waste of my goddamn time.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Contract prison labor is nothing new and is making a big comeback. Suggest that anyone interested in the subject read the book "Texas Tough" by Robert Perkinson for an in-depth look at this long-ignored historical abomination:

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
Wasn't there that Judge down south recently who was getting kickbacks from the private juvie prison for sending kids there?

And why not? How is it different than any other type of referral commission? Classic free enterprise model if you ask me.


My Penis Is Dancing!
Republicans have been pushing to privatize everything, so expect this to get better before it gets worse.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Who cares. Prisoners should have to work in order to try and pay back the cost non-criminal citizens have to bear (in terms of taxes etc) for both the cost of their crimes, and the cost of having to lock them up to protect society from them

Will E Worm

Who cares. Prisoners should have to work in order to try and pay back the cost non-criminal citizens have to bear (in terms of taxes etc) for both the cost of their crimes, and the cost of having to lock them up to protect society from them

Even if they are in there for basically nothing or illegally? Hmmm...

There should not be any private prisons and they should not be making huge profits or be traded on the stock market.

What about companies not wanting to hire them when they are released?

A lot of discrepancies.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Even if they are in there for basically nothing or illegally? Hmmm...

So, your position is that people in prisons are there for 'basically nothing or illegally'? I'd like to see what on earth you base that on (other than this preposterously naive and illogical schoolgirl blog)

There should not be any private prisons and they should not be making huge profits or be traded on the stock market.

What about companies not wanting to hire them when they are released?

A lot of discrepancies.

Why not? Why should the state and its citizens, already wronged by a criminal's activity be further punished by having to pay all the costs of the consequences of that criminality?.

And why should companies want to hire them when they come out? Crooks and ex-crooks join the job market just like everyone else. That they have a criminal record, and that their criminal record harms their employment efforts, is called a 'consequence' and, people should be required to accept the consequences of their actions and decisions. It's part of being an adult, rather than a whining overgrown baby blaming everyone else for their problems.

No discrepancies there.

Will E Worm

So, your position is that people in prisons are there for 'basically nothing or illegally'?

No. There are too many people in prison for very minor things. There are also many in prison on truped up charges and the list goes on and on.

And why should companies want to hire them when they come out? Crooks and ex-crooks join the job market just like everyone else. That they have a criminal record, and that their criminal record harms their employment efforts, is called a 'consequence' and, people should be required to accept the consequences of their actions and decisions. It's part of being an adult, rather than a whining overgrown baby blaming everyone else for their problems.

Slavery is wrong or is it? You tell me.

When someone can't get a second chance they will reoffend.
That is a cycle and a fact. If they can't work then what should they do?

So, society creates its own monsters.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
No. There are too many people in prison for very minor things. There are also many in prison on truped up charges and the list goes on and on.

Slavery is wrong or is it? You tell me.

When someone can't get a second chance they will reoffend.
That is a cycle and a fact. If they can't work then what should they do?

So, society creates its own monsters.

It's not slavery. They are working off a debt to society for the wrongs they committed against that society.

Slaves, on the other hand, are innocents who are forced to work against their will, often after abduction.

The two things aren't even remotely alike, literally or metaphorically.

An offence's stature is also irrelevant. If an offence carries a jail term, then someone who commits that offence can hardly whine when they get the sentence pre-prescribed by law.
Why is it that every time you post something of this nature, Will, that people jump all over you? I can think of some reasons:

1. you use very spurious sources
2. when people try to engage you in discussion, you simply tell them they don't like the truth, as though you have a personal line on what is true and what isn't, and you're smarter than everyone else
3. you make biting statements, and then add a :tongue: expecting that will clearly show you're joking. Except you aren't.

Thanks for keeping us informed on this topic. I find it an interesting one. Now I'm going to go and do some reading in reputable sources to find out what is actually going on.