Private Gwen / Gwen

wow, didn't realise there was a thread for gwen here. This set is a perfect example of how stunning gwen was. I have been a member of many solo girls sites over the years, one of which was I remember signing up shortly after the site launched but I stopped being a member after a few months as I got through the content and not seeing many updates. I then checked out the site about 2 years later after going through some of my archived pic sets of her and then saw not many updates. When I googled her i then read on a forum and saw pics that she was pregnant and she was going to continue modelling after the pregnancy., All i could think was "what her made her decide that she couldnt wait any longer and why is she deciding to have a child at the peak of her modelling career, she was only like 21". I don't know, anyway, when i saw her modelling pics post preg with her implants etc, i couldnt help but feel a bit sorry for her, the pregnancy hadnt done her any favours. I have to say, she is still hot but just can't understand why she didnt wait a few years before making such a decision. Oh well, either way , i hope things are going well for her and she is happy.