2020 Prime Time Teasers Tournament Hard Tease Division Runner-up Finals!
Wet Sand Massage
Mystic Bath
Hidden Agenda
Close Proximity
Which photo do you like best overall?
Poll Duration: 60 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges" 2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes
WCN and PTT Together representing the greatest nude-glamour/artistic-nude photo tournament ever conceived... honoring the very best in nude and/or sexually provocative photographic arts!
Shame I missed the round before this one due to Christmas activities away from here...I would have voted for Private Passage, which I believe would have taken it to a tie with Emma Exposed
~ 11 hours left to cast your vote...
At stake in this match is a tournament title (Division Runner-up), "classic" certification, and entry into the World Class Teasers Hall of Fame! 🏛
This match marks the end of the 2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoff Season!
Thanks to all the panel judges for their steadfast participation throughout the year.
note: Effective January 2021, the Prime Time Teasers tournament will become World-ClassTeasers. Thread name and link remains unchanged.