While model in Hidden Beauty delivers an absolutely gorgeous pose, her boobs are almost certainly augmented as they look stiff/hard as opposed to Lucy's which appear more soft and natural.
space Poll is now closed. Receiving 76% of the vote, the committee selects former top seed High I-Cutiei to take home the Bronze, thereby closing out the 2019 Prime Time Teasers playoff season!
This concludes Prime Time Teasers 2019 inaugural season. Hope you enjoyed the tournament as much as I enjoyed staging it for you.
Thanks to all the judges who participated in this yearlong process. I look forward to your contributions as returning judges in the upcoming 2020 season!
It has come to my attention that I misspelled Jenna's last name. The corrected spelling is now shown above.
Hats off to John_8581 for bringing this error to my attention. :hatsoff:
This concludes Prime Time Teasers 2019 inaugural season. Hope you enjoyed the tournament as much as I enjoyed staging it for you.
Thanks to all the judges who participated in this yearlong process. I look forward to your contributions as returning judges in the upcoming 2020 season!