Prime Time Teasers Playoffs


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
This is a very difficult decision for me as I like them both very much.

However, I think for me it falls to how much of the model I can see once again as all other factors are tieing in my on this factor alone High I-Cutie gets my vote.

It is a shame the other pic has been cropped and cut the very top of her hair out. Would have been nice to see all of her legs too.


Staff member
High I-Cutie
Very touch match! Just did some research. High I-Cutie is the same model with the open top, shooting billiards; hunh.

It is just soooooo rare for me to like a bootie pic - so I'll go with Bikini Tease. That is also a fabulous pic of that model.


Light one for Me
Bikini Tease
High I-Cutie... those blue fingernails (is there a worse shade of blue?) on Bikini Tease model ruins it for me.

Bikini Tease


High I-Cutie

Which photo do you like best overall?

Poll Duration: 72 hours (3 days)

1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges"
2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received
3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes

Prime Time Teasers.... celebrating the art of tease photography!
Bikini Tease
The model is prettier
Those eyes! - the look is smoldering
That body. omg flawless.

Hi I-Cutie almost looks like she's smelling something upleasant :dunno:
Wow!... what a truly epic battle between two champion teasers. Match has exceeded my expectations as I originally thought this might be a lopsided affair!
Hats off to all participating panel judges for your thoughtful adjudication of this tough call. :hatsoff:
Given the gravity of the match, an extra 24 hrs. was added to the poll time to allow any and all would-be voters to express their preference.

Besides attaining "epic" status, winner will also claim the following accolades:

Prime Time Teasers Photo of the Year Award (aka, the "Teaser's Cup")
Prime Time Teasers Gold Medal
Reigning GOAT title (Greatest of All Tease)

Good luck to both contenders, and may the best pic win! :glugglug:


High I-Cutie