I would have picked Tranquil Surf had it been framed a lot better....what was the photographer/photo editor thinking of with this???!!! 🤔 Looks like he could have easily got her all in, but decided to put her in a negative space! 🙄 maybe it was meant for a computer desktop background where all your icons would go over on the left and along the top to balance it all out
Knee Deep for me.
Close call... gorgeous model won me over.
This would've been a slam dunk vote [for me] if only her sleeves were "fitted" instead of those ghostly-looking creepy ones.
She looks more relaxed, she looks fantastic, and she - most of all - is a completely different type of woman than our usual models. Her curves, her vibe is taking my vote, instantly. She stands in that body of water like a black venus, momentarily not aware of being photographed. What's so interesting left of the guy snapping the pictures???