2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs Soft Tease Division
Round 2 Match 6
Aqua Azul
Empty Room
Bull Ring Girl
Which photo do you like best overall?
Poll Duration:48 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges" 2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received 3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes
WCN&PTT Together representing the greatest nude-glamour/artistic-nude photo contests ever conceived... a virtual museum of the finest sexually provocative photos ever shot!
That's not a matador. A matador has a red cape called a muleta with a sword behind it. A bullfighter who has a magenta colored cape is called a toreador or banderillero. There are many of them in a bull ring. They tease the bull and get closest to it with the passes of the cape. There is only one matador. He comes out at the end.
Aqua Azul - great posterior pose and perspective... love how the blend of emerald pool water, Blue Sky, and blue ocean complements the model's blue eyes!
2020 Prime Time Teasers Playoffs Hard Tease Division Round 2 Match 6
Sunny Shower
Hypnotic Trance
Cushy Couch
Which photo do you like best overall?
Poll Duration:48 hours
1st Tiebreaker: winner determined by votes cast by panel's "Superjudges" 2nd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first 9 votes received 3rd Tiebreaker: winner determined by first pic to reach 3 votes
WCN&PTT Together representing the greatest nude-glamour/artistic-nude photo contests ever conceived... a virtual museum of the finest sexually provocative photos ever shot!