I truly believe that all the booze and blow Dubya did in th 70s is having an effect on him. I don't think he is capable of free-thinking anymore. I believe he has the mentality of a senior citizen who is suffering from early onset dementia. The way he talks in a press conference of in a speech is like someone who is fighting to "find the right words" and by the time he finds the right words, he's forgotten what question or topic he's addressing. I think Cheney and Rove are pressing the buttons on our Robot President.
The fact of the matter is Dubya was correct when he said "Mission Accomplished" back in 2004. All we're doing now is wasting lives, money and time, in that order. Iraq will set up the government it wants to setup. We're simply in the way at this point. We're not actively seeking out "al Queda," because they aren't presenting themselves as a standard enemy. They are guerrilla warriors at this point. We should be sending in our own "sleeper agents" who slip into Bagdad and eliminate insurgents when they find them.
I think it would be best for us to totally remove our troops from that region and focus on securing our borders, inspecting freight and building up our intelligence resources.