The Europeans were more or less governed and lead by greedy leftist/socialist scummy governments that are full of shit and of anti americanism. They hated Bush because he defended the American interests before the rest. And when Obama a democrat was elected, the European governements welcome him in arms. A lot of Europeans have a very short memory and have forgotten that
without the Americans freeding them from Nazism and without the Marshall plan, they wouldn't even be born nor know prosperity. The angry crowds against Bush jnr were the leftist/socialists people that plague the European countries. It is well know that a lot of European people who are leftists/socialists hate Republicans.
The people in Europe are tired of leftists/socialists. Juts look at the situation of Spain now which was lead by a socialist government. The sooner we will get rid of permanently from socialists/leftists, the better it will be for all of us.