President Obama Sees First Budget Surplus Of Presidency



The Obama administration saw its first monthly budget surplus in April, with the federal government recording $58 billion, according to figures released by the Congressional Budget Office.

MarketWatch reports:

The surplus -- the first of Barack Obama’s presidency -- was the result of both increased tax collection and lower government spending.

Prior to April, the federal government's last surplus dates back to September 2008.

Pressuring Congress, President Barack Obama is laying out an election year "to do" list Tuesday that urges lawmakers to take another look at economic proposals to promote job creation and help families refinance their mortgages.

The White House said Obama planned to discuss the list during a stop at college science complex in Albany, N.Y. It's the president's latest attempt to portray congressional Republicans as obstructing his economic agenda at a time when millions of Americans are out of work. Obama has sought to tie Republican Mitt Romney to GOP leaders in Congress, arguing that the likely GOP presidential nominee would simply rubber-stamp their policies.

Obama's wish list includes a number of proposals that he has outlined previously but have failed to gain traction in Congress. They include eliminating tax incentives for companies that ship jobs overseas and promoting new tax credits for small businesses and for companies to develop clean energy.

For veterans, Obama planned to press Congress to pass legislation creating a Veterans Job Corps to help service members returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan find work as police officers and firefighters.

And to address the housing crisis, Obama was expected to press anew on a measure designed to help homeowners refinance their homes at lower interest rates. Obama was making the housing pitch during a stop Friday in Reno, Nev., the state that has been the epicenter of the nation's housing meltdown.

Obama was issuing his list during a stop at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering at the State University of New York. The president has made a number of trips to universities, manufacturing plants and technology firms, seeking to promote research and development.

Republicans said they had a lengthy list of their own in the form of bills that have cleared the GOP-led House but remained bogged down by Senate Democrats. They accused Obama of recycling old ideas.

"We've passed nearly 30 jobs bills to increase American competitiveness, expand domestic energy production and rein in the red tape that is burdening small businesses. Democrats are blocking every one of them," said Brendan Buck, a spokesman for House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio.

White House spokesman Jay Carney, without detailing the specifics of Obama's trip to Albany, said Monday that Congress was under increasing pressure to approve measures to help the economy.

"Every member of the House is up for election this year and a third of the Senate, and each of those members who are running for re-election has to explain to his or her constituents what they did while they were in Washington these last two years. Did they just say no?" Carney said.

But, but, but.......he's black!?
Hey, did your guy find someone desperate enough to become his running mate yet?

Not yet.. he doesn't want to be hasty like Obonga was, like when he chose Joe Biden. That guy right there is a real loser.


My Penis Is Dancing!
I am sure that, with enough work, the Administration can reduce the deficit enough that it will be quite easy for the next Republican President to royally fuck up with increased spending overseas by attacking other countries, another domestic financial black hole like No Child Left Behind, massive tax breaks to the wealthy, as well as a healthy little recession thanks to deregulation in pretty much every financial sector imaginable.
Here is hoping for many more months like this one.
Not yet.. he doesn't want to be hasty like Obonga was, like when he chose Joe Biden. That guy right there is a real loser.
Problem : All those who want to follow Romney are losers...

By the way, can you remind me the name of McCain running mate ?
Just remember... you heard it here first.

ROMNEY in a landslide!
This surplus won't last I guarantee. It's tax time so that's where your surplus is coming from. Wait a few months when everything "stabilizes" back to the usual Democrat spending. All will go back to a deficit.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
This surplus won't last I guarantee. It's tax time so that's where your surplus is coming from.

Never has there been a better argument to raise taxes. "That's where the surplus is coming from." No shit.
Never has there been a better argument to raise taxes. "That's where the surplus is coming from." No shit.
Tell ya what, Slick... you like paying taxes so much, how about paying mine and Trident's this year?
Keep wishing. The pathetic fuck can't even find a running mate. No one with an ounce of credibility is getting anywhere near this fiasco.

You mean like this guy.... (watch and listen carefully)



This surplus won't last I guarantee. It's tax time so that's where your surplus is coming from. Wait a few months when everything "stabilizes" back to the usual Democrat spending. All will go back to a deficit.

Because of course the GOP have always been such fiscally conservative. It's as if you remember nothing before Obama, when Bush racked up massive debt with two unfunded wars, tax cuts for the wealthy ( during wartime which is stupid) and the prescription drug bill. You weren't complaining about the debt back then were you? but all of a sudden Obama gets into office and it's all who ran up the debt?

It confounds me how all of a sudden the Republican Party is the party of fiscal responsibility after eight years of of massive debt racking. Well I guess the party that contributed to this mess would know know how to get us out of it. Call me stupid but I don't want to go back to the same Bush era economic policies that Romney is basically spouting. I want to go forward, not backwards.
What was one of the first things that George W. Bush did when he moved into the White House? He cut taxes to offset the yearly budget surplus that Clinton was able to achieve, and started war mongering that got us into needless wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Don't forget that. Obama finally manages to start unraveling the mess and shows a monthly surplus? Good for him. Maybe the government will actually get it's ass in gear and actually make balanced budget that'll continue the trend.

Sadly, since it is Obama and he's Democrat...Fox News and everyone else on the Republican media gang will find a way to twist this into more anti-Obama propaganda anyway.
Spending has actually leveled off under Obama. Notice how under a Republican president it's high then a Democrat comes in and it goes down and a Republican comes in and it goes up again.
