I disagree. Obama talked about reaching across the aisle but he did so in a heavy handed way, alienated the "loyal opposition" and the whole thing turned into a pissing contest. Bitch all you want about Clinton or Reagan or LBJ but those guys knew how to play politics in order to strike a deal. Obama never learned that skill and, although I agree with most of his agenda, he went about attaining it in the wrong fashion. Don't misunderstand me....the republicans have been extreme obstructionists and whiners who present no plausible alternative solution but politics is the art of compromise and as POTUS it is Obama's job to make that happen. He hasn't and that has been his ultimate failing.
I honestly believe in the time when he first took over as president he should have worked night and day to ram all the legislation he wanted one after another down the rights throat as he didn't need their support.
He tried far to hard to give them a voice in the administration when that really wasn't necessary at the time.