Ace Boobtoucher
Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
graduated magna cum laude from Harvard- Prove it. He hasn't allowed his school records to be opened and nobody remembers him as a stellar student.
president of the Harvard Law Revue- Nobody who was on the law review (nice spelling) remembers him.
12 years teaching Constitutional law at the university level- Part time, as a visiting lecturer.
3 years as a legal associate followed by 8 of counsel
8 years as an Illinois State Senator- Where he voted "Present" most of the time and was known to support late term abortions.
4 years as a U.S. Senator- Senatorial terms are six years. For two of those four years you mentioned he focused on campaigning, so how was he effective?
Makes me wonder what some of these folks would have said about Abraham Lincoln's (our greatest president imo) qualifications/experience as a presidential candidate:
practiced attorney
One 2 year term in U.S. House Of Representatives. - Honest Abe was a terrible president except for that whole keeping the country together thing. But it is apples and oranges. Education qualifications to even graduate grade school back then would make cum laude students today blanch. And I don't think he even did that. But when he believed in something he fought for it and actually represented his people and wasn't in lock-step with party platforms..
You drank the kool-aid.