


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Rick Perry wins.

If he does (and I think he might....this guy is shrewd), it will spell doom for the republicans in 2012. This guy has more skeletons in his closet than Tiger Woods. Consider the following examples....

As governor of Texas, Perry blatantly ignored substantial evidence that convicted killer Cameron Todd Willingham was innocent:

And before you right-wingnuts spit-roast me over using a clip from The Ed Show as a reference, be advised I looked on right-wing sites for any coverage of this story but found nothing.

Don't care that Governor Perry (and by transference, the people of the state of Texas) killed an innocent man? How about this little ditty....a quote from Governor Perry from a speech earlier this year:

“Our opponents on the left are never going to like us, so let’s stop trying to curry favor with them," he said, before imploring the crowd to
"stand up".

Full speech here (from Fox News) if you care to hear the entire thing:

Dos this sound like a guy who wants to bring the nation together? :rolleyes: He's a total shill for the Teabaggers, plain and simple. As such, he's unelectable in my opinion.

Want more? He has closely allied himself with the religious right and the American Family Association. Check out this appearance on James Robison's evangelical TV show Living Today:

He also organized the recent prayer event called The Response at Reliant Stadium in Houston that was affiliated with the right-wing christian group, The American Family Association: (be sure to watch the promo video)

Key quote from the article:

The Response rally is affiliated with socially conservative American Family Association, a Christian nonprofit that’s perhaps best known for their opposition to homosexuality. Though the American Family Association may not sound as familiar as other groups like Focus on the Family, most people have heard of their campaigns even if they don’t recognize the name. The American Family Association is the group behind a growing list of Christian boycotts, including Wal-Mart (for carrying Brokeback Mountain), American Girl (for being too feminist), Sponge Bob Square Pants (for appearing gay) and a number of retailers who don’t use or say Merry Christmas in their holiday marketing.

I don't know about you but I'm not feeling real good about maintaining separation of church and state in a Perry administration. :eek:

The last indictment I'll offer for this installment is that Rick Perry openly intimated that the state of Texas might possibly secede from the Union:

Key quote:

"There's a lot of different scenarios," Perry said. "We've got a great union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it. But if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who knows what might come out of that. But Texas is a very unique place, and we're a pretty independent lot to boot." this guy wants to be president of the United States??? Sorry to go on like this but I have lived under Rick Perry's administration for the last 11 years and I'm telling you, unless you are as crazy as he is and absolutely agree with the principles for which he stands, DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS GUY.
If he does (and I think he might....this guy is shrewd), it will spell doom for the republicans in 2012. This guy has more skeletons in his closet than Tiger Woods. Consider the following examples....

As governor of Texas, Perry blatantly ignored substantial evidence that convicted killer Cameron Todd Willingham was innocent:

And before you right-wingnuts spit-roast me over using a clip from The Ed Show as a reference, be advised I looked on right-wing sites for any coverage of this story but found nothing.

Don't care that Governor Perry (and by transference, the people of the state of Texas) killed an innocent man? How about this little ditty....a quote from Governor Perry from a speech earlier this year:

Full speech here (from Fox News) if you care to hear the entire thing:

Dos this sound like a guy who wants to bring the nation together? :rolleyes: He's a total shill for the Teabaggers, plain and simple. As such, he's unelectable in my opinion.

Want more? He has closely allied himself with the religious right and the American Family Association. Check out this appearance on James Robison's evangelical TV show Living Today:

He also organized the recent prayer event called The Response at Reliant Stadium in Houston that was affiliated with the right-wing christian group, The American Family Association: (be sure to watch the promo video)

Key quote from the article:

I don't know about you but I'm not feeling real good about maintaining separation of church and state in a Perry administration. :eek:

The last indictment I'll offer for this installment is that Rick Perry openly intimated that the state of Texas might possibly secede from the Union:

Key quote: this guy wants to be president of the United States??? Sorry to go on like this but I have lived under Rick Perry's administration for the last 11 years and I'm telling you, unless you are as crazy as he is and absolutely agree with the principles for which he stands, DO NOT VOTE FOR THIS GUY.

Unfortunately all his “baggage” will gain him votes……..not lose them.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I think Perry will be a force to be reckoned with.

I KNOW he is. I've seen this guy at work. He's a master politician.

I guess I would like to ask Jaggs who do you think is more "out there" - Bachmann or Perry???

About equal. I'm still looking for a mainstream moderate (or has the mainstream gone way to the right?) to rise to the surface but it seems that the pubs are looking to go extreme in this election which is a fatal mistake IMO. For instance, as a swing voter, I would easily vote for a fiscally conservative but socially libertarian republican against Obama but I will absolutely NOT vote for an extreme evangelical right-wing candidate like either of the two you mentioned. Don't think I'm alone either.
Thadeus McCotter - I'm pretty much positive that he is relatively moderate. He will never win though. That's a shame because as character goes he comes off as a real class act.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
Wasnt that the previous guys fault? ....for the most part.

You mean the same dip-wad that's back in office now? Please someone pull the handle and flush this administration in California!

All I know is this, I'll never............ Never vote to Bachmann. Bitch be crazy!
I think Bachman comes across as too scary to the swing voter. Perry is as far right, but I don't think he comes across as that far right. Plus all the handelers will be trying to soften him in the eyes of the swing voter after he wraps up the nomination.

I think the R's will need someone who comes across as moderate to be the veep.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Well, if tonight's debate was any indication of where we are headed, the pubs will hand the dems a reelection of Obama on a silver platter. The only participants in the debate for whom I would consider casting my vote would be Jon Huntsman (very practical and genuine demeanor....I like him a lot and would vote for him in a heartbeat), Ron Paul (unfortunately, he has no shot....too "out there" for mainstream voters....doesn't "look" like a president) and Herman Cain (straight-talking black dude got my attention and, as a black dude in the republican party, also has no shot). Everyone else represented double-talking shills from my perspective. Rick Perry is a joke and if the pubs nominate him Obama will slice him to pieces. Mitt Romney is just as bad. Too an open-minded moderate voter, I would love a viable republican choice but don't think I'll get one. My guess is I'll have to end up holding my nose and voting for Obama. Pathetic commentary on the American political situation for sure.

I also did not understand the constant deification of Ronald Reagan to the extreme by those involved in the debate (yeah, Iknow the debate was held at his library but so fucking what? Call a spade a spade). Reagan was a charismatic individual whose policies are unfortunately largely responsible for many of the the serious issues we continue to face today. Why he is so revered by those on the right is beyond me. His legacy is highly overrated IMO.

We're in serious trouble if these motherfuckers are the best we can offer from the right side of the aisle. God help us....
Well, if tonight's debate was any indication of where we are headed, the pubs will hand the dems a reelection of Obama on a silver platter. The only participants in the debate for whom I would consider casting my vote would be Jon Huntsman (very practical and genuine demeanor....I like him a lot and would vote for him in a heartbeat), Ron Paul (unfortunately, he has no shot....too "out there" for mainstream voters....doesn't "look" like a president) and Herman Cain (straight-talking black dude got my attention and, as a black dude in the republican party, also has no shot). Everyone else represented double-talking shills from my perspective. Rick Perry is a joke and if the pubs nominate him Obama will slice him to pieces. Mitt Romney is just as bad. Too an open-minded moderate voter, I would love a viable republican choice but don't think I'll get one. My guess is I'll have to end up holding my nose and voting for Obama. Pathetic commentary on the American political situation for sure.

I also did not understand the constant deification of Ronald Reagan to the extreme by those involved in the debate (yeah, Iknow the debate was held at his library but so fucking what? Call a spade a spade). Reagan was a charismatic individual whose policies are unfortunately largely responsible for many of the the serious issues we continue to face today. Why he is so revered by those on the right is beyond me. His legacy is highly overrated IMO.

We're in serious trouble if these motherfuckers are the best we can offer from the right side of the aisle. God help us....
